WooSquare Pro – Square For WooCommerce

Woosquare pro – square for woocommerce

WooSquare Pro – Square For WooCommerce

WooSquare Pro is a powerful plugin designed to integrate Square payment gateway with WooCommerce, providing seamless synchronization of product inventory, orders, customers, and payments between both platforms. This tool allows businesses to manage their sales and customer data efficiently using a single dashboard.

Caratteristiche principali:

  1. Auto-Synchronization:
    • Automatically synchronizes product categories, variations, discounts, inventory (SKU), and prices between WooCommerce and Square.
    • Real-time updates ensure both platforms stay aligned, reducing manual input errors.
  2. Order Synchronization:
    • Sync orders between Square and WooCommerce, ensuring both systems reflect the same information.
    • Automatic updates of inventory after transactions.
  3. Product Synchronization:
    • Sync standard product data (price, quantity, images, categories, variations) between Square POS and WooCommerce.
    • Sync on edit to automatically update product information when changes are made.
  4. Refund Management:
    • WooSquare Pro supports managing refunds processed through Square.
  5. Payment Gateway:
    • Customers can use Square as a payment method on WooCommerce checkout.
    • Supports Google Pay and Apple Pay for fast and convenient payments.
  6. Sandbox API Support:
    • Developers can test transactions in a safe environment using Square’s v2 API.
  7. Security & Compliance:
    • PCI compliant, ensuring that all card transactions are secure.
    • Requires an SSL certificate for secure payments through Square on WooCommerce.
  8. CartFlows Integration:
    • Compatible with CartFlows, allowing businesses to create optimized sales funnels for higher conversions.
  9. Browser Compatibility:
    • Works seamlessly across major browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari.

Important Considerations:

  • Product SKU: Every product must have a SKU for synchronization.
  • Square Support: WooSquare Pro currently supports Square payment in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and Japan.
  • Backup Precautions: It is recommended to back up all product and order data from both WooCommerce and Square before synchronization to avoid data loss.
  • Limitations:
    • Does not support tax calculation during synchronization.
    • Not compatible with WooCommerce multi-site setups.
    • Limited to 900 products in Square.


  • WooCommerce 2.6.0+
  • SSL Certificate: Required for secure Square transactions.
  • WordPress 4.4+
  • PHP 5.5+
  • Square Account

WooSquare Pro Workflow:

  1. Customers pay using the Square gateway on the WooCommerce checkout page.
  2. Square processes the payment and updates WooCommerce inventory.
  3. Both WooCommerce and Square reflect the updated inventory and order details.

This plugin streamlines the management of sales, payments, and customer data for businesses using both Square and WooCommerce, enhancing efficiency and reducing the complexity of manual synchronization.

Versione attuale 6.9
Ultimo aggiornamento September 13, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

Versione attuale 6.9
Ultimo aggiornamento September 13, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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