JetProductGallery for Elementor

Jetproductgallery for elementor

JetProductGallery for Elementor

JetProductGallery for Elementor

Jet Product Gallery for Elementor is a feature-rich WooCommerce gallery plugin that enhances your product display capabilities. Here are some of its top features and functionalities:

1. Gallery Content Types:

  • Jet Product Gallery supports various content types, including WooCommerce products, custom post types, and videos. You can choose the content type that best suits your website’s needs.

2. WooCommerce Products:

  • Display product photographs using traditional or modern galleries with a variety of design options. Customize the gallery layout to suit your specific product showcase requirements.

3. Custom Post Types:

  • This feature allows you to add any type of content to your website by creating versatile custom post types. You can populate your product gallery with content from your Media Library or manually upload images.

4. Video Integration:

  • Add videos to your product gallery and customize their settings to seamlessly integrate video content with your product pages.

5. Showy Gallery Views:

  • Design a universal gallery template that can be applied to any product or set up different layouts for individual products. This allows you to create distinct gallery views for various products.

6. Gallery Layout Options:

  • Jet Product Gallery offers multiple layout options to showcase your product images and videos effectively, including:
    • Product Gallery Slider
    • Gallery Grid
    • Anchor Navigation
    • Product Images (Gallery Modern)

7. Product Image Zoom:

  • Enable the zoom effect on product images, allowing users to see product details up close. You can also customize the zoom magnification scale without needing to write CSS.

8. Pagination:

  • Add simple and convenient navigation to your product gallery to help users navigate through your product images more efficiently.

9. Gallery Dynamic Tags:

  • Utilize the JetEngine plugin to pull images dynamically from the backend. This feature offers flexibility and dynamic content management.

10. Product Lightbox Controls: – Enhance the user experience with additional controls in the lightbox view, including full-screen mode, image counter, navigation arrows, “Share,” and “Download” buttons.

11. Custom Styling: – Customize various gallery elements, such as navigation arrows, pagination dots, and video player buttons, to match your website’s design and branding.

12. Advanced Options: – Fine-tune the image and thumbnail size and configure video display options, including autoplay and loop settings.

Jet Product Gallery enhances your WooCommerce product gallery presentation, making it more visually appealing and user-friendly. Whether you want to create an online clothing store, display product catalogs, or showcase a wide range of products, this plugin offers the tools and flexibility you need to make your products stand out.

Versione attuale v2.1.18
Ultimo aggiornamento August 13, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

 5/5
Versione attuale v2.1.18
Ultimo aggiornamento August 13, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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