Cost Calculator Builder PRO

Cost calculator builder pro

Cost Calculator Builder PRO

Cost Calculator Builder PRO

The WordPress Cost Calculator is a feature-rich tool that empowers you to create estimation forms for a wide range of purposes. Here are some of its notable features:

1. Estimation Forms: You can create unlimited estimation forms with ease. These forms can be tailored to meet your specific needs.

2. Calculation Builder: The plugin provides a drag-and-drop calculation builder, allowing you to construct complex calculations for your estimation forms effortlessly.

3. Customization: Customize the appearance of your forms by selecting colors, fonts, and background colors. This enables you to maintain a consistent look with your website’s design.

4. Compatibility: The plugin seamlessly integrates with popular page builders, ensuring compatibility and flexibility in website design.

5. Instant Estimation: Users can immediately calculate the cost of projects or services by filling out the estimation forms. This feature enhances user engagement and satisfaction.

6. Intuitive Interface: The plugin offers a user-friendly interface that doesn’t require programming skills, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

7. ReCAPTCHA: Enhance security by enabling ReCAPTCHA, which helps prevent automated bot submissions.

8. Contact Form 7 Integration: The calculator integrates with Contact Form 7, ensuring a seamless user experience and efficient customer communication.

9. Date & Time Picker: You can add date and time pickers to your calculator, allowing users to schedule events or services.

10. Fields Styles: Choose from various styles for form elements to match your website’s aesthetics.

11. Calculator View: Select from horizontal or vertical calculator views to present your forms as best fits your website layout.

12. Required Fields: You can designate certain fields as required, improving the usability of your forms.

13. Payment Methods: Support multiple online payment methods, including PayPal, Stripe, and WooCommerce, allowing customers to make payments directly from the calculator.

14. Orders Dashboard: Manage all your clients’ orders and track their status efficiently.

15. Product Calculator: Place your calculator on WooCommerce product pages to facilitate user interactions.

16. PDF Entries: Store PDF documents in a dedicated section, making it easy to keep a history of your records.

17. Email Quotes: Generate email quotes, which can be sent as invoices, orders, or receipts to clients as needed.

18. Email Templates: Customize the design and appearance of estimation form emails to align with your branding.

19. Conditions: Implement logical conditions for specific elements, enabling dynamic form behavior based on user inputs.

20. Mobile View: The plugin offers a responsive design, ensuring that your forms work seamlessly on mobile devices without compromising speed or reliability.

21. Form Templates: Utilize customizable templates to quickly create professional forms tailored to your needs.

22. Image Checkbox & Radio: Efficiently create buttons with images for checkboxes and radio options, adding visual appeal to your forms.

23. Fully Translatable & International: Translate your calculator into multiple languages, ensuring that users around the world can interact with your content in their preferred language.

24. Custom Webhooks: Connect with your favorite apps and automate regular workflows through custom webhooks, streamlining your operations.

The WordPress Cost Calculator is a comprehensive tool for creating interactive, customizable, and user-friendly estimation forms to enhance user engagement and streamline business processes.

Versione attuale 3.1.98
Ultimo aggiornamento September 13, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

 5/5
Versione attuale 3.1.98
Ultimo aggiornamento September 13, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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