Bacola – Grocery Store and Food eCommerce Theme

Bacola – grocery store and food ecommerce theme

Bacola – Grocery Store and Food eCommerce Theme

Bacola is a feature-rich WordPress theme designed for grocery stores, organic food shops, online supermarkets, WooCommerce grocery businesses, agriculture, marketplaces, multi-vendor platforms, and more. It is built with Elementor, a popular page builder, making it easy for users to create and customize their websites without coding knowledge.

Caratteristiche principali:

  1. Elementor Page Builder: Utilize the Elementor page builder for easy and intuitive website customization.
  2. WooCommerce Ready: Integrated with WooCommerce, the leading eCommerce plugin, to facilitate online product listing and sales.
  3. Dokan & WC Marketplace Ready: Compatible with multi-vendor plugins like Dokan and WC Marketplace, allowing the creation of a marketplace with multiple sellers.
  4. RTL (Right to Left) Support: Suitable for languages that are read from right to left, such as Arabic.
  5. Location Filter: Includes a built-in location filter for convenient location-based shopping.
  6. Popup Location Filter: Provides a popup location filter for enhanced user experience.
  7. Added to Cart Ajax Popup Notice: Displays a popup notice when a product is added to the cart using Ajax.
  8. Quantity Field for Product Box: Includes a quantity field within the product box for quick quantity adjustments.
  9. Load More and Infinite Scroll Pagination Ajax: Options for load more button or infinite scroll pagination using Ajax for optimized page loading.
  10. Quick View: Enables quick viewing of product details without navigating away from the main page.
  11. Order on WhatsApp: Allows customers to place orders through WhatsApp for added convenience.
  12. AJAX Shop Filters: Provides AJAX-powered filters for seamless product filtering.
  13. AJAX Product Search: AJAX-enabled search functionality for efficient product search.
  14. AJAX Add to Cart for Variable & Grouped Products: Allows users to add variable and grouped products to the cart using AJAX.
  15. AJAX Remove From Cart: Enables the removal of products from the cart using AJAX.
  16. Wishlist: Integrated wishlist functionality for users to save desired products.
  17. Mobile Bottom Menu: Includes a mobile-friendly bottom menu for easy navigation.
  18. Recently Viewed Products: Displays recently viewed products for quick reference.
  19. Side Cart: Offers a side cart for a streamlined shopping experience.
  20. Min/Max Quantity Option: Set minimum and maximum quantity options for products.
  21. Min Order Amount: Specify a minimum order amount for purchases.
  22. Catalog Mode: Allows the website to function in catalog mode without direct online transactions.
  23. Sticky Add to Cart: Keeps the “Add to Cart” button sticky for easy access.
  24. Mobile Sticky Add to Cart: Ensures the sticky “Add to Cart” functionality on mobile devices.
  25. Single Product Stock Progress Bar: Displays a progress bar indicating stock availability for single products.
  26. Single Product Time Countdown: Adds a countdown timer for time-limited product offers.
  27. Buy Now Button: Includes a “Buy Now” button for quick product purchase.
  28. Product Image Zoom: Enables zoom functionality for product images.
  29. Product Video (Youtube and Vimeo): Allows the addition of videos to product listings.
  30. Product Mobile Filters: Provides mobile-friendly filters for product categories.
  31. Product Category Filters: Includes filters for product categories.
  32. Product Status (Stock/On Sale): Displays product status indicators for stock availability and sale status.
  33. Product Filter by Color and Brand: Offers color and brand filters for product listings.
  34. Sticky Add to Cart for Mobile: Ensures the “Add to Cart” button remains sticky on mobile devices.
  35. Order Tracking: Allows customers to track their orders.
  36. GDPR Cookie Consent: Integrates a GDPR cookie consent feature.
  37. Popup Newsletter: Includes a popup newsletter subscription feature.
  38. Maintenance – Coming Soon: Offers maintenance and coming soon modes for the website.
  39. Free Shipping Bar: Displays a free shipping bar to incentivize purchases.
  40. Sticky Titles for Product Detail: Keeps titles sticky for easy reference on product detail pages.
  41. Login/Register Form with Tab: Provides a tabbed interface for login and registration forms.
  42. Ajax Login/Register Form: Enables AJAX-powered login and registration forms.
  43. Video Tutorials: Access video tutorials for guidance.
  44. WOOCS Multi-Currency: Compatible with the WOOCS multi-currency plugin.
  45. WPML, Polylang, Loco Translate Support: Supports translation plugins for multilingual websites.
  46. Contact Form 7: Integrated compatibility with the Contact Form 7 plugin.
  47. Metabox Supported: Supports metabox functionality.
  48. Google Web Fonts: Access a variety of Google web fonts.
  49. Blog Ready: Includes features for creating blog content.
  50. .POT for All Languages: Multi-language support.
  51. Oneclick Demodata Installer and XML: Oneclick installer for demo data and XML support.
  52. Oneclick Theme Update: Oneclick theme update feature for convenience.
  53. Parallax Background Image and Video Support: Supports parallax background effects with images and videos.
  54. Flat Design: Incorporates a modern flat design.
  55. Fully Customizable: Fully customizable with unlimited options for sidebar, background, and color.
  56. Retina Ready: Designed for high-resolution Retina displays.
  57. Unlimited Sidebar, Background, and Color Options: Options for unlimited sidebar variations, background styles, and color schemes.
  58. Well Documentation: Comprehensive documentation for ease of use.
  59. Fully Responsive: Ensures full responsiveness across various devices.
  60. Free Update: Offers free lifetime updates for the theme.
  61. SEO Optimized: SEO-friendly design for improved search engine performance.
  62. Fast Performance: Optimized for fast loading times.

Bacola provides a comprehensive set of features for creating a successful online grocery store or marketplace, with a focus on user-friendly design and powerful functionality.

Versione attuale v1.4.7
Ultimo aggiornamento September 16, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

Versione attuale v1.4.7
Ultimo aggiornamento September 16, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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