WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress (Visual Composer)

Wpbakery page builder for wordpress (visual composer)

WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress (Visual Composer)

WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress (Visual Composer)

WPBakery Page Builder is a popular WordPress plugin that provides a drag-and-drop page building experience, making it easy for users to create and customize their WordPress websites without the need for coding skills. Here are some of the key features and benefits of WPBakery Page Builder:

  1. Frontend and Backend Editors: WPBakery Page Builder offers both frontend and backend editing options. The Frontend Editor provides a “What You See Is What You Get” (WYSIWYG) experience, allowing users to see how their content will look on the frontend in real-time. The Backend Editor is ideal for those who prefer to work on the backend while still having access to all the features and options.
  2. Drag-and-Drop Interface: The plugin’s intuitive drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to create pages and posts. Users can simply drag and drop content elements onto their pages and customize them as needed.
  3. No Coding Required: WPBakery Page Builder eliminates the need for coding skills, allowing users to build and customize their websites without writing any code. This is especially helpful for those who may not have programming experience.
  4. Extendability: Developers can create their own plugins and extensions for WPBakery Page Builder, enhancing its functionality and compatibility with various themes and plugins.
  5. Multilingual Support: The plugin includes .po and .mo files for quick translation, making it easy to create multilingual websites.
  6. Template Library: Users can save and reuse existing pages or sections as templates. The Template Library also provides access to free downloadable layout templates created by web design professionals.
  7. Responsive Design: WPBakery Page Builder allows users to create responsive designs for their websites, ensuring that content looks great on both web and mobile platforms. Users can specify column sizes, offsets, and display options.
  8. User Role Management: Administrators can control which user groups have access to WPBakery Page Builder features and options. This includes managing default and custom WordPress roles.
  9. Custom Post Types: The plugin works with all types of post forms, including custom post types.
  10. Lifetime Free Updates: Users receive free, automatic updates to keep their plugin up to date with the latest features and improvements.
  11. Dedicated Support: WPBakery provides dedicated support to assist users with any questions or issues they may encounter.
  12. Shortcode Mapper: Users can add third-party shortcodes to the list of VC menu items for reuse and easily edit shortcode definitions, values, and parameters.

Overall, WPBakery Page Builder simplifies the website-building process, making it accessible to users with various levels of experience. It’s a versatile tool that can be used with any WordPress theme, and its drag-and-drop functionality saves users time and effort in creating and customizing their websites.

Versione attuale v7.9
Ultimo aggiornamento August 21, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

 5/5
Versione attuale v7.9
Ultimo aggiornamento August 21, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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