Workreap Freelance Marketplace and Directory Theme

Workreap freelance marketplace and directory theme

Workreap Freelance Marketplace and Directory Theme

Workreap is a top-notch Freelance Marketplace WordPress theme, meticulously crafted with exceptional code quality and innovative features. Designed after thorough research, it caters perfectly to those keen on creating freelance marketplaces and similar projects. The design prioritizes contemporary aesthetics, user-friendly navigation, and visual hierarchy for a seamless user experience.

This system facilitates freelancers and employers in registering and creating profiles swiftly. Once a task is posted, freelancers can submit proposals for employer review. Accepted proposals require payment, received by the admin but reflected in the freelancer’s wallet after admin commission deduction, classified under pending payments. Upon project completion and approval, the pending balance moves to the available balance in the freelancer’s wallet. The commission system allows admins to monetize the platform.

Additionally, a built-in one-to-one messaging system enables seamless communication between users. It incorporates a review system, enabling employers to rate and provide feedback on freelancers’ work. Packed with an array of impressive features, the full list can be found on the theme’s description page.

Workreap stands as one of the premier Freelance Marketplace and Job Board WordPress themes. Its features encompass project listings, bidding, service selling, employer and freelancer listings, making it an excellent choice for a freelance marketplace.

Key Features Include:

  • Detailed Dashboard: Enhancing usability and user experience.
  • Android APP Supported: Android app available soon on Codecanyon.
  • WooCommerce Payments Gateways: Compatible with WooCommerce for user flexibility.
  • Powerful Search Functionality: Robust search functionality across jobs, freelancers, and employers.
  • Private One-to-One Chat: Built-in messaging system for seamless user communication.
  • Multi-Ratings Review System: Employers can provide feedback and ratings.
  • Drag and Drop Page Builder: User-friendly page designing.
  • One-Click Demo Import: Hassle-free website setup like the demo.
  • CSV User’s Import: Bulk import users without individual setup.
  • Email Template Settings: Modify system emails according to specific needs.

Other Features:

  • Powerful Admin Panel
  • Translation Ready
  • Moderation System for Reviews
  • Very Clean Code and Easily Extendable
  • 20+ Shortcodes
  • Unlimited Sidebars
  • Google Fonts
  • Language-Based Search
  • Front-end and Back-end User Management
  • Unlimited Colors
  • WooCommerce Payments Integration
  • Revolution Slider Option
  • Parallax Effects
  • Well-Documented
  • Built-In 404 Pages
  • Translation Ready with po, mo files
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility
  • Child Theme Included
Versione attuale v3.1.5
Ultimo aggiornamento September 15, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo
 5/5
Versione attuale v3.1.5
Ultimo aggiornamento September 15, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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