WordPress WooCommerce Wallet System Plugin

Wordpress woocommerce wallet system plugin

WordPress WooCommerce Wallet System Plugin

The WordPress WooCommerce Wallet System Plugin enables customers to make online payments using a prepaid wallet. This plugin offers a convenient and secure payment method, allowing customers to store funds and use them for purchases without repeatedly entering credit or debit card details.

Detailed Description

The WordPress WooCommerce Wallet System Plugin provides an efficient and user-friendly online payment method. This prepaid wallet system allows customers to deposit money into their accounts, ensuring that payments are always successful since the funds are pre-loaded.

Caratteristiche principali:

  • Seamless Online Payment Gateway: The wallet functions as an online payment gateway, allowing customers to purchase products using their available balance. This eliminates the need to enter card details for every transaction.
  • Easy Credit Addition: Adding credit to the wallet is straightforward. Customers simply enter the desired amount and complete the transaction using available payment methods.
  • Flexible Checkout Options: At checkout, customers can choose to pay with wallet cash or another payment method, providing flexibility in payment choices.
  • Admin Approval for Specific Payments: For payment methods like Direct Bank Transfer or Check Payments, the wallet amount is credited upon admin approval, ensuring secure transactions.
  • Email Notifications: Customers receive email notifications for all wallet transactions, keeping them informed of their account activities.
  • Custom Wallet Management: Admins have the ability to manually debit or credit amounts to a customer’s wallet, providing full control over wallet balances.
  • Cashback Rules: Admins can set rules for cashback, including minimum and maximum cart totals, and the amount of cashback received. This feature helps incentivize purchases.
  • Transaction Restrictions: Admins can define minimum wallet credit amounts and maximum wallet debit amounts per transaction, adding a layer of control over wallet usage.
  • Multiple Cashback Conditions: If multiple cashback conditions are enabled, customers receive applicable cashback for both cart and product totals. Admins can prioritize cashback based on cart or product preferences.
  • Wallet Transfers: Customers can transfer their cashback amounts to other registered users, promoting user engagement and flexibility.
  • Transaction Tracking: Admins can view detailed transaction lists, including transaction IDs, references, types, amounts, and dates, ensuring complete transparency and record-keeping.
  • Virtual Order Payments: Admins can configure the plugin to accept payments for virtual orders using the wallet, expanding the range of services supported by the wallet system.

This plugin enhances the shopping experience by providing a secure, efficient, and flexible payment method, ultimately improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Versione attuale v3.6.2
Ultimo aggiornamento May 27, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo
Versione attuale v3.6.2
Ultimo aggiornamento May 27, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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