WordFex – Syncronize WordPress with Perfex

Wordfex - syncronize wordpress with perfex

WordFex – Syncronize WordPress with Perfex

WordFex is a powerful WordPress plugin designed to streamline and automate the process of syncing new user signups from your WordPress or WooCommerce website with your Perfex CRM. This integration ensures that all new users or customers are automatically added to your Perfex CRM as Leads or Customers, according to your preference.

Key Features

  1. Automated Synchronization
    • New User Sync: Automatically sync new user signups from WordPress or WooCommerce to Perfex CRM.
    • User Data: Synchronizes essential user data such as First Name, Last Name, Email, and Website.
    • Leads or Customers: Choose whether new signups are added as Leads or Customers in Perfex CRM.
  2. Easy Setup and Configuration
    • User-Friendly Interface: Simple to install and configure within your WordPress admin dashboard.
    • Selective Synchronization: Select between syncing users as Leads or Customers based on your business needs.
  3. Custom Field Integration
    • Additional Fields: If you require additional fields to be synced with Perfex CRM, support is available to help integrate these fields upon request.
  4. Seamless Integration
    • WooCommerce Compatibility: Fully compatible with WooCommerce, ensuring all new customers are captured in your CRM.
    • Real-Time Sync: Immediate synchronization of new user data ensures your CRM is always up to date.
  5. Support and Customization
    • Customer Support: Access to customer support for additional field integration and other custom requests.
    • Continuous Updates: Regular updates to ensure compatibility with the latest versions of WordPress, WooCommerce, and Perfex CRM.

How It Works

  1. Installation: Install the WordFex plugin from your WordPress admin panel.
  2. Configuration: Configure the plugin to connect with your Perfex CRM by providing the necessary API details.
  3. Select Sync Options: Choose whether to sync new users as Leads or Customers.
  4. Automatic Sync: Once enabled, the plugin will automatically sync all new user signups from WordPress or WooCommerce to Perfex CRM.


  • Efficiency: Saves time by automating the data entry process.
  • Accuracy: Reduces the risk of human error in data entry.
  • Up-to-Date CRM: Ensures your Perfex CRM is always up to date with the latest user data.
  • Improved Customer Management: Enhances customer and lead management by having all data in one place.

Use Cases

  • E-commerce: For WooCommerce stores, ensures all new customers are immediately added to Perfex CRM for follow-up and marketing.
  • Membership Sites: Sync new members of your WordPress site to Perfex CRM for better membership management.
  • Lead Generation: Automatically add new signups as leads to Perfex CRM to streamline your sales funnel.
Versione attuale v1.1
Ultimo aggiornamento May 24, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo
Versione attuale v1.1
Ultimo aggiornamento May 24, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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