WooCommerce Frontend Manager – Group and Staff

Woocommerce frontend manager – group and staff

WooCommerce Frontend Manager – Group and Staff

WooCommerce Frontend Manager – Groups & Staff is a powerful tool designed to enhance control over vendors, managers, and staff in a multi-vendor marketplace. It simplifies vendor management by enabling categorization, staff assignments, and custom capabilities, allowing you to create a more organized and efficient marketplace. Here’s a breakdown of its features:

Key Features

  1. Group Manager for Vendors:
    • Categorize vendors into different groups based on their requirements.
    • Assign unique capabilities to each vendor group for a tailored experience.
    • Vendors have a clean, personalized dashboard that shows only the features relevant to their business (e.g., a cake seller won’t see a booking calendar).
    • Vendors can belong to multiple groups and receive combined capabilities from all their assigned groups.
  2. Advanced Capability Manager:
    • Provides a powerful and flexible way to control vendor, shop manager, and shop staff permissions.
    • Assign and manage different sets of capabilities for each user type, including group and individual user-specific capabilities.
    • Allows store admins to have complete control over users without hassle.
  3. Staff Manager:
    • Vendors can create their own group of staff and assign them different capabilities specific to their store.
    • Each staff member can have tailored roles and responsibilities, making it easy for vendors to manage their operations.
    • This feature adds a layer of flexibility for multi-vendor stores by allowing vendors to have their team members help manage the store.
  4. Shop Manager Control:
    • Admins can assign shop managers to take over store management duties.
    • Full control over shop manager capabilities, allowing the store admin to delegate tasks without losing control over important functionalities.


  • Efficient Vendor Management: Categorizing vendors into groups ensures each vendor only has access to the tools they need, reducing clutter and confusion.
  • Flexible Staff Management: Vendors can run their businesses more effectively by assigning different roles to staff members, helping to scale operations.
  • Streamlined Store Operations: Store admins can delegate tasks to shop managers and staff, ensuring smooth day-to-day operations without needing direct oversight all the time.
  • Customizable Permissions: Advanced capability management means you can fine-tune permissions for every user role, ensuring everyone only has access to what they need.

Use Cases

  • Multi-Vendor Marketplaces: Ideal for large multi-vendor sites that require extensive control over vendor capabilities, such as differentiating between product types, services, or store needs.
  • Complex Vendor Relationships: If your marketplace requires vendors to belong to different groups or needs specific capabilities for each vendor, this plugin provides an effective solution.
  • Vendor-Specific Teams: Vendors with their own staff can manage their team’s access and capabilities, ensuring smooth internal operations.

With WooCommerce Frontend Manager – Groups & Staff, turning a standard multi-vendor marketplace into a more segmented, controlled, and efficient operation becomes easier, giving both admin and vendors the flexibility to manage stores more effectively.

Versione attuale 6.7.5
Ultimo aggiornamento September 6, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

Versione attuale 6.7.5
Ultimo aggiornamento September 6, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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