WooCommerce Deposits – Partial Payments Plugin By Webtomizer_Labs

Woocommerce deposits – partial payments plugin by webtomizer_labs

WooCommerce Deposits – Partial Payments Plugin By Webtomizer_Labs

WooCommerce Deposits – Partial Payments Plugin

WooCommerce Deposits is a premium WordPress and WooCommerce plugin designed to facilitate partial payments for products in your WooCommerce store. This plugin offers several features to help you manage deposits effectively. Here’s an overview of its key features:

  1. Accept or Force Deposits: With WooCommerce Deposits, you can give customers the option to pay a deposit amount upfront or force them to make a deposit for specific products.
  2. Checkout Mode: The plugin supports a checkout mode that makes deposits cart-based. It allows customers to choose the deposit option during the checkout process. This is particularly useful for products that require partial payments.
  3. Automatic Email Reminders: WooCommerce Deposits can automatically send email reminders to customers, prompting them to pay the remaining amount after a specific number of days. This feature helps in reducing abandoned carts.
  4. Deposit Types: You can choose between fixed value or percentage-based deposits. This flexibility enables you to set up different deposit structures for various products.
  5. Remaining Payment Later: Customers who choose the deposit option can log in to your website and pay the remaining amount later. This feature ensures that customers can complete their payments at their convenience.
  6. Site-Wide Deposit Control: WooCommerce Deposits allows you to enable or disable deposits site-wide with a single click. This gives you control over which products should require deposits.
  7. Payment Gateway Compatibility: You can disable specific payment gateways when there’s a deposit in the cart. This helps you ensure that only suitable payment methods are available for deposit transactions.
  8. Custom Messages: The plugin lets you display custom messages when customers choose the deposit option. You can provide additional information or instructions related to deposits.
  9. Admin Backend Support: Store administrators can add new deposits from the order editor in the WordPress admin back-end. This feature simplifies the management of deposit-related orders.
  10. Built for WooCommerce: WooCommerce Deposits is designed to seamlessly integrate with WooCommerce, ensuring compatibility and smooth operation within your online store.
  11. Compatible with WooCommerce Bookings: If you use the WooCommerce Bookings plugin, WooCommerce Deposits can multiply the deposit amount by the number of persons on your bookings. It also allows you to collect a percentage of the total booking value.
  12. Deposit Reports: The plugin provides deposit reports that are available in the WooCommerce reports panel. These reports give you insights into deposit-related transactions and revenue.
  13. Multilingual Support: WooCommerce Deposits is fully translatable and compatible with the WPML plugin, making it accessible for customers around the world. It also comes pre-translated in multiple languages, including Arabic, Dutch, English, French, German, and Spanish.

WooCommerce Deposits is a versatile plugin that enables you to offer flexible payment options to your customers while helping you manage partial payments effectively. Whether you sell products or services that require deposits or bookings, this plugin can enhance your WooCommerce store’s capabilities.

Versione attuale v4.5.0
Ultimo aggiornamento June 22, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

Versione attuale v4.5.0
Ultimo aggiornamento June 22, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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