Structeezy – Craft, Save, Reuse Empower your Bricks page building experience


Structeezy – Craft, Save, Reuse Empower your Bricks page building experience

Structeezy is a powerful companion tool designed to enhance the Bricks Builder experience, making web design more efficient and creative. With Structeezy, you can easily craft, save, and reuse web design structures, enabling a streamlined workflow that maximizes productivity.

Caratteristiche principali:

  1. Create, Save, and Reuse Structures:
    • Build complex designs using Bricks Builder and save them for future use.
    • Whether it’s an entire page or specific sections, you can save structures and use them across projects.
  2. Centralized Structure Management:
    • Structeezy provides a central panel that dynamically loads both native and third-party elements.
    • Easily access and manage all your saved structures in one place.
  3. Custom Structure Saving:
    • Save your favorite design elements, entire pages, or branches of a structure tree to create custom structures for reuse.
  4. Export, Import, and Share:
    • Export your saved structures to back them up or share with your team.
    • Import them on other projects, making it easy to maintain design consistency.
  5. Monitor Structure Usage:
    • Structeezy tracks how often each structure is used, helping you manage which to keep visible or hide from view.
  6. Most Used Structures:
    • Find and access your most-used structures quickly through a dedicated panel for ease of use.
  7. CSS Framework Compatibility:
    • Structeezy injects minimal styles into your designs, but allows you to choose your preferred CSS framework for additional flexibility and customization.


  • Efficient Workflow: Eliminate repetitive work by saving and reusing your favorite structures.
  • Enhanced Design Flexibility: Build smarter with full control over your design elements.
  • Collaborative Sharing: Share designs easily with your team or across multiple projects.
  • Increased Productivity: Focus more on creativity and less on recreating the same elements.

With Structeezy, Bricks Builder becomes a powerful tool for crafting high-quality designs with ease. It’s the perfect solution for designers looking to boost productivity and maintain consistency across multiple projects.

Versione attuale 1.2.3
Ultimo aggiornamento September 13, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

 5/5
Versione attuale 1.2.3
Ultimo aggiornamento September 13, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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