WPML String Translation Addon

Wpml string translation addon

WPML String Translation Addon

WPML String Translation Addon

The WPML – String Translation Addon is an invaluable WordPress plugin for website owners and developers looking to create multilingual websites. As an add-on to the WPML Multilingual CMS plugin, it extends the capabilities of WPML by allowing users to translate all text elements on their websites, even text from themes, plugins, and custom fields. Here are some of its key features:

Translation Management:

  • Centralized management of translations for consistency and accuracy.
  • Assign translations to different translators and editors for collaborative work.

Translation of Any Text:

  • Translate text from themes, plugins, and custom fields.
  • Ensures that every aspect of your website is fully accessible in different languages.

Translation of Images and Other Media:

  • Translate images and other media, making your visual content multilingual.
  • Useful for conveying information through infographics, diagrams, and other visual elements.

String Translation API:

  • Empowers developers to integrate translation functionality into their own plugins and themes.
  • Ideal for creating multilingual plugins and themes that work seamlessly with the WPML – String Translation Addon.

Use Cases:

  • E-commerce Websites: Easily translate product descriptions, pricing information, and shipping details to reach customers worldwide.
  • Corporate Websites: Ensure that global audiences can understand your company information, products, and values.
  • Blogs: Make your blog posts, comments, and other content accessible to readers from diverse language backgrounds.

Comparison with Other Plugins: The WPML – String Translation Addon stands out in several ways:

  • Integration with WPML: It seamlessly works with the WPML Multilingual CMS plugin, allowing website owners to create fully multilingual websites with just two plugins.
  • Translation of Any Text: Unlike some other plugins that can only translate specific text elements, this addon can translate any text on a website, providing greater flexibility.
  • Translation Management: It offers powerful translation management features, simplifying the tracking of translations and facilitating collaboration with other translators and editors.

In conclusion, the WPML – String Translation Addon is a powerful tool for those seeking to create multilingual websites. With its exceptional translation capabilities, including text and media elements, and robust translation management features, it””s a valuable asset for reaching a global audience. Its integration with WPML, extensive text translation capabilities, and powerful management tools set it apart from other similar plugins.

Versione attuale 3.2.12
Ultimo aggiornamento May 22, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

Versione attuale 3.2.12
Ultimo aggiornamento May 22, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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