Perfex CRM Chat

Perfex crm chat

Perfex CRM Chat

Perfex CRM Chat

The Perfex CRM Chat Module is a powerful add-on for Perfex CRM, designed to enhance real-time collaboration and client engagement. It leverages PHP, JavaScript, and jQuery while utilizing the Pusher API for seamless real-time communication. Unlike traditional chat systems, this module uses WebSockets to provide a faster and more efficient communication experience, eliminating server slowdowns.

Caratteristiche principali:

  1. Comprehensive Chat Views: The module offers full browser view, toggled view, and staff-specific permissions to ensure a customizable chat experience.
  2. Rich Messaging Details: Users can benefit from message status indicators such as “Seen,” “Delivered,” “Sent at,” and “Seen at” for better communication tracking.
  3. Client Support: The module includes dedicated chat support within the client’s area, complete with user @mentions for direct interaction with clients.
  4. State Indicators: Users can set their status as “Online,” “Offline,” “Away,” or “Busy” to convey their availability.
  5. Notification System: Live desktop push notifications and alerts notify users of new and unread messages, ensuring timely responses.
  6. Enhanced Interactivity: Users can make quick mentions to Projects, Invoices, and more, as well as forward messages to other users.
  7. Group Chats: The module allows for the creation of group chats, facilitating team collaboration and client engagement.
  8. Security and Privacy: Users can delete and copy messages, associate them with tasks, and enjoy audio messages on both the staff and client sides.
  9. Files and Media Sharing: Share files, images, and videos with a live click preview, making it easy to exchange media.
  10. Customization: Customize the chat interface with multiple UI themes, toggled chat gradient and solid colors, and more.
  11. User-Friendly Interface: The interface is designed for a smooth and efficient user experience, from group controls to live search functionalities.

Perfex CRM Chat Module is tailored for Perfex CRM users, offering an integrated and efficient way to communicate with colleagues and clients. It not only enhances communication but also builds trust, fosters staff loyalty, and elevates client interactions to a higher level. With its comprehensive set of features and user-friendly design, this module can significantly improve your CRM experience.

Versione attuale v1.5.0
Ultimo aggiornamento December 23, 2022
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

 5/5
Versione attuale v1.5.0
Ultimo aggiornamento December 23, 2022
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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