Oshine Multipurpose WordPress Theme

Oshine multipurpose wordpress theme

Oshine Multipurpose WordPress Theme

Oshine stands out as a beautiful and flexible portfolio theme for WordPress, offering a wide range of features and possibilities. With 52 unique and stunning demos, it caters to both creatives and businesses. The theme incorporates Tatsu, a revolutionary fully visual page builder that simplifies the process of creating web pages with its live front-end editing capabilities, styling modules, and pre-built concepts.

Caratteristiche principali:

  1. Tatsu Page Builder: Oshine incorporates Tatsu, a powerful live front-end page builder with a visual interface. It includes over 50 styling modules, a live text editor, and pre-built concepts, making it user-friendly for both beginners and experienced users.
  2. 52 Unique Demos: Oshine offers 52 unique and visually appealing demos that cater to a variety of creative and business needs. These demos provide a starting point for users to customize their websites according to their preferences.
  3. 6 Blog Styles: Choose from various blog styles, including masonry, medium, or large thumbnail layouts. Customize title and meta variations to present your blog in the most suitable way.
  4. One Page Website: Oshine and Tatsu make it easy to create a single-page website, allowing each menu link to scroll to a different section within the same page. This enhances the user experience and simplifies navigation.
  5. One-Click Import: The theme features a one-click import option, enabling users to kickstart their website setup instantly. Mix and match layouts and pages effortlessly.
  6. Video Backgrounds: Communicate effectively with visitors by incorporating subtle background videos. Video backgrounds add visual appeal and convey information more dynamically.
  7. Parallax & Full-Screen Sections: Enhance visual appeal with easy-to-add parallax sections. Create full-screen parallax sections for stunning web pages that capture attention.
  8. Superior Performance: Oshine prioritizes superior performance by loading Javascript plugins in parallel and only if required by the site. This optimization not only improves performance but is also beneficial for SEO.
  9. Additional Features:
    • Sticky Header
    • Transparent Header
    • Semi-Transparent Header
    • Mega Menu
    • Full-Screen Sections
    • Secondary Right Sliding Menu
    • Unlimited Sidebars
    • Child Theme Support
    • Comprehensive Knowledgebase
    • 600+ Google Fonts
    • 800+ Font Icons
    • Mobile Visibility Controls
    • Instagram & Flickr Galleries
    • Black & White Hover Effects
    • Internationalized & Localization Ready
    • SEO-friendly Clean Code
    • 3/4 Footer Column Layout
    • 4 Menu Locations
    • Column Parallax
    • Dozen+ CSS Animations
    • Adaptive Image Sizes
    • Constant Updates
    • Developer Friendly
    • Tested with Popular Plugins

Oshine provides a comprehensive set of features, making it a versatile and powerful WordPress theme suitable for various website purposes.

Versione attuale 7.2.1
Ultimo aggiornamento September 12, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo
 5/5
Versione attuale 7.2.1
Ultimo aggiornamento September 12, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

100% Originale - Tutte le funzioni Premium incluse.

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