NFTx NFT Portfolio Elementor Template Kit

Nftx – nft portfolio elementor template kit

NFTx NFT Portfolio Elementor Template Kit

NFTx is a versatile Elementor template kit designed for creating NFT (Non-Fungible Token) marketplace websites, crypto-collectibles platforms, digital item showcases, and more. This template kit offers a range of styles and elements to help you quickly and easily build a beautiful and modern website dedicated to NFTs.

Caratteristiche principali:

  1. One-Click Import: Import the template kit with a single click through Elementor, making the setup process easy and quick.
  2. Full Theme Builder Global Templates: The kit includes professionally configured site settings and global fonts, ensuring a cohesive design across your entire site.
  3. Fully Responsive Layout: The templates are designed to be fully responsive, ensuring your site looks great on all devices.
  4. Retina Ready: Your site will be optimized for retina displays, providing crisp and clear visuals.
  5. Fully Customizable: You can easily customize the templates to match your specific NFT portfolio needs.
  6. Cross-Browser Compatibility: The templates are compatible with popular browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera.

Included Templates and Pages:

  • Header
  • Footer
  • Casa
  • NFT Page
  • Circa
  • Contacts
  • FAQ
  • Road Map
  • Team
  • Blog
  • Post Single Page
  • Page 404
  • Search Result

How to Use Template Kits:

  1. Install and activate the “Envato Elements” plugin from the WordPress Plugins section.
  2. Download the kit file without unzipping it.
  3. Go to Elements > Installed Kits and click the “Upload Template Kit” button. You can also import automatically by connecting your Elements subscription.
  4. Check for the orange banner at the top and click “Install Requirements” to load any necessary plugins.
  5. Start by importing the Global Kit Styles.
  6. Then, import one template at a time, which will be stored in Elementor under Templates > Saved Templates.
  7. Create a new page and click “Edit with Elementor.”
  8. Configure your page settings by choosing “Elementor Full Width” and hiding the page title.
  9. Access the “My Templates” tab by clicking the gray folder icon. Import the page you want to customize.

By following these steps, you can quickly set up and customize your NFT website using the NFTx Elementor template kit. Please note that Elementor Pro may be required for some templates and features, and it is not included in the kit.

Versione attuale Latest
Ultimo aggiornamento April 13, 2022
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demoVisualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

Versione attuale Latest
Ultimo aggiornamento April 13, 2022
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demoVisualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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Aggiornamenti inclusi (6 mesi) - da WPGlobalMarket

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