MyListing – Directory & Listing WordPress Theme

Mylisting – directory & listing wordpress theme

MyListing – Directory & Listing WordPress Theme

MyListing is a powerful directory and listing WordPress theme designed to help you create a directory site with advanced features and customization options. This theme utilizes the Elementor page builder for creating pages with a drag-and-drop interface, making it easy for users without coding skills. With over 50 Elementor widgets, advanced listing type creation, and customizable explore pages, MyListing provides a comprehensive solution for directory websites.

Caratteristiche principali:

  1. Advanced Listing Type Creator: MyListing offers an advanced listing type creator that allows you to create different directory types, each with its unique design, functionality, and features. Choose from 20+ pre-made fields and create unlimited custom fields. Each listing type can have its products for sale, host events, forms, reviews, comments, and custom tabs.
  2. Customizable Explore Page: Build advanced search forms with unlimited custom filters and choose from pre-made explore page templates. There are 10+ Google Map or Mapbox skins available, and you can add your custom skins. The explore page features various options such as pagination (paged, load more, infinite scroll), default filter values, custom filters for each listing type, masonry layout, Google ads support, and more.
  3. Monetization Options: Monetize your directory website by earning money through listing submissions and allowing users to claim listings. You can also sell promotion packages to users for promoting their listings.
  4. Elementor Page Builder: MyListing uses the Elementor page builder, a fast-growing, open-source WordPress page builder with over 50 ready-to-use widgets. The interface is easy to use, allowing for drag-and-drop customization without coding.
  5. Customization Options: Customize the listing preview box, explore page, and search facets uniquely for each listing type. The theme provides a shortcode generator with an easy-to-use interface, and you can choose from over 2000 icons, including custom theme icons, Material Icons, Font Awesome, and Glyphicons.
  6. Integrated Maps: MyListing is integrated with Google Maps, Mapbox, and OpenStreetMap. It offers custom map markers, map preview cards, map skins, marker/location clustering, and more.
  7. Additional Features:
    • Custom scrollbars
    • Instant search on the header
    • Listing quick view
    • Background video
    • Owl Carousel
    • PhotoSwipe
    • Breadcrumbs bar
    • Fully responsive design
    • WooCommerce integration
    • User sign-in/register functionality
    • Single-click demo import
    • Translation ready (does not support multi-language)

MyListing is a feature-rich WordPress theme designed to meet the needs of creating diverse directory and listing websites with ease.

Versione attuale 2.11.6
Ultimo aggiornamento September 16, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

Versione attuale 2.11.6
Ultimo aggiornamento September 16, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

100% Originale - Tutte le funzioni Premium incluse.

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Aggiornamenti inclusi (6 mesi) - da WPGlobalMarket

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