Masteriyo PRO – LMS for WordPress

Masteriyo pro - lms for wordpress

Masteriyo PRO – LMS for WordPress

Masteriyo PRO is a revolutionary and powerful WordPress LMS and eLearning plugin that enables you to create, manage, and sell online courses effortlessly. Whether you are an educator, trainer, or institution, Masteriyo provides the tools you need to teach anything, anytime, from anywhere.

Key Features

01 – Speed

  • Easy & Fast: Designed for speed and simplicity, both backend and frontend. Instructors can create courses swiftly, and students enjoy a smooth learning experience.
  • Setup Wizard: Integrates Masteriyo with your WordPress site quickly, creating necessary pages and getting you operational in under a minute.
  • Easy Course Builder: A drag-and-drop course builder allows you to create and rearrange lessons effortlessly.
  • Distraction-Free Mode: The learning page is designed to keep students focused by showing only essential information.
  • Single Page Application: Powered by React JS, allowing you to create courses in one place without page reloads.

02 – Powerful

  • Intuitive & Advanced: Clutter-free, easy to use, and packed with powerful tools for creating, managing, and selling courses.
  • Structured Content: Organize courses with sections, lessons, quizzes, and assignments, making it easy for both instructors and students.
  • Quiz Builder: Create interactive quizzes with various question types, set points, durations, and more.
  • Certificate Builder: Award attractive certificates to students upon course completion to enhance engagement.

03 – Payments

  • Selling Made Easy: Seamlessly sell any type of course with Masteriyo’s built-in ordering system.
  • Payment Gateways: Inbuilt support for major payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe.
  • WooCommerce Integration: Access to 300+ payment gateways via WooCommerce for extended flexibility.

Customizable and Extendible

  • Advanced Content Drip: Schedule and release course content over time to keep students engaged.
  • Offer Download Material: Provide downloadable resources for each lesson or the entire course.
  • Add Course FAQs: Help students by adding FAQs to any course.
  • Secure Registration and Login Pages: Protect against spam and hacking with Google reCAPTCHA and a Password Strength Checker.
  • Coupons for Premium Courses: Encourage enrollment in premium courses with customizable coupon codes.
  • Elementor Integration: Design beautiful course pages with Elementor’s page builder.
  • Productive Course Assignments: Instructors can assign and evaluate course assignments to enhance learning.

More Reasons to Choose Masteriyo

  • Responsive Design: Mobile-friendly and adapts seamlessly to different devices.
  • Securely Coded: Clean, secure code that meets the highest WordPress and security standards.
  • Regular Updates: Regular updates for improved security and performance.
  • Maximum Performance: Optimized with React JS for fast performance.
  • Translation Ready: Translate into your native language to serve a local audience.
  • Compatibility: Works smoothly with any theme or plugin that adheres to WordPress standards.

Masteriyo PRO is your comprehensive solution for building a dynamic and effective eLearning platform, providing all the tools you need to create a seamless online learning experience.

Versione attuale v2.10.1
Ultimo aggiornamento June 10, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

Versione attuale v2.10.1
Ultimo aggiornamento June 10, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

100% Originale - Tutte le funzioni Premium incluse.

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Aggiornamenti inclusi (6 mesi) - da WPGlobalMarket

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Perché così a buon mercato?

WordPress applica la licenza GPL/GNU a TUTTI i plugin e temi creati per WordPress da sviluppatori di terze parti. La licenza GPL significa che ogni script scritto per WordPress e i suoi derivati devono essere liberi (compresi tutti i plugin e i temi). Poiché acquistiamo tutti gli articoli direttamente dagli autori e li ridistribuiamo al pubblico, siamo in grado di offrire prezzi incredibilmente bassi per gli articoli ufficiali. Il prezzo è un prezzo unico per l'accesso completo, non un pagamento ricorrente. L'assistenza agli autori originali non è inclusa quando si acquista da WPGlobalMarket. Si ottiene solo il file.

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