Manon – Portfolio & Agency Theme

Manon - portfolio & agency theme

Manon – Portfolio & Agency Theme

Manon is a sophisticated WordPress theme designed for creative professionals, agencies, and freelancers. This theme offers a plethora of features and customization options, allowing users to showcase their work in a visually appealing and contemporary manner. Here’s an in-depth look at what Manon has to offer:

Key Features

  1. Creative Layouts:
    • Over 30 unique portfolio layouts, including split screen and fullscreen options.
    • Multiple customizable layouts for portfolio lists and single items.
  2. Compatibility and Integration:
    • Fully compatible with Qi Addons for Elementor and Qi Blocks for Gutenberg.
    • Includes WPBakery Page Builder and Slider Revolution plugins ($173 combined value).
    • WooCommerce compatible with QODE Wishlist integration.
  3. Custom Shortcodes and Elements:
    • Extensive collection of custom shortcodes like Portfolio Slider, Pricing Table, Team Carousel, Clients Grid, Testimonials, and more.
    • Interactive elements such as hover effects, animations, and uncovering sections.
  4. Responsive and Retina Ready:
    • Fully responsive design ensures optimal viewing on all devices.
    • Retina ready for crisp, high-resolution displays.
  5. Easy Customization:
    • Powerful admin interface with one-click demo import.
    • Customizable headers (4 types), footers, and multiple widget areas.
    • Smooth scroll, smooth page transitions, and various background options (video, image).
  6. Typography and Icons:
    • Highly customizable typography with 800+ Google Fonts.
    • Includes 7 icon font packs for diverse iconographic needs.
  7. Enhanced User Experience:
    • Integrated search functionality, anchor support for one-page sites, and a back-to-top button.
    • Supports social share functionality and various blog layouts.
  8. Developer-Friendly:
    • Child theme included for safe theme updates and customizations.
    • Translation ready and compatible with WPML and Contact Form 7.

Portfolio Features

  • Portfolio Lists:
    • Various hover types, pagination options (standard, load more, infinite scroll), and animation settings.
    • Shortcodes for category lists, horizontal/stacked lists, tooltip lists, and vertical loops.
  • Single Portfolio Items:
    • Slider, gallery, masonry, full-width, custom, and small image layouts.
    • Shortcodes for project info and inline project info.

Blog Features

  • Blog Layouts:
    • Masonry, standard, and custom post formats (audio, video, standard, gallery, link, quote).
    • Blog list and blog slider shortcodes.

WooCommerce Features

  • E-commerce Integration:
    • Customizable product grids and lists, product details layouts, wishlist, comparison, and visual attributes.
    • Additional widgets for filtering products by attributes and a dropdown cart widget.


Manon is a comprehensive and versatile theme perfect for creatives who need to present their portfolios professionally and dynamically. Its rich set of features, compatibility with popular plugins, and extensive customization options make it an excellent choice for agencies, freelancers, and designers aiming to stand out. Whether building a full-scale agency site or a simple personal portfolio, Manon provides the tools and flexibility needed to create a stunning online presence.

Versione attuale v2.7
Ultimo aggiornamento May 26, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo
Versione attuale v2.7
Ultimo aggiornamento May 26, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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