MainWP Page Speed

Mainwp page speed

MainWP Page Speed

MainWP Page Speed Extension and the Google Pagespeed Insights Plugin

The MainWP Page Speed Extension is designed to work seamlessly with the Google Pagespeed Insights for WordPress plugin, enhancing your ability to monitor the performance of your child sites directly from your MainWP Dashboard. Here’s what this extension offers:

Performance Monitoring: The extension calculates the average load time of your pages, posts, and categories for each of your child sites. It provides you with an average speed score, allowing you to gauge the performance of your websites. The extension also offers tips and tricks to help you improve your performance score.

Speed Monitor: You can easily view the speed monitor on both your Sites list and in your Extension settings page. A widget is added to your Main and Individual sites Dashboards, providing you with quick access to your site’s speed information.

Scheduled Notifications: The extension has a powerful notification system. You can set a minimum speed threshold that you find acceptable for your sites. If one of your sites’ scores drops below this value, the extension will send you an email notification. This enables you to proactively investigate and address performance issues.

Bulk Management: Manage all settings for the Google Pagespeed Insight for WordPress plugin easily. You can make bulk changes for all child sites or fine-tune settings for individual websites. You can also update or activate the plugin directly from the extension dashboard, streamlining your child site maintenance tasks.

Performance Improvement: The extension offers tips to enhance your websites’ performance, Google ranking, and overall browsing experience for your visitors.

Centralized Settings Management: With this extension, you can manage all settings for the Google Pagespeed Insights plugin without the need to log in to each site individually.

Smart Notifications: Set your desired minimum speed score for your pages. If a site’s score falls below this level, the extension will send you a warning email, allowing you to address the issue promptly.

User-Friendly: The extension is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, making it accessible for users of all experience levels.

In summary, the MainWP Page Speed Extension empowers you to efficiently monitor and manage the performance of your child sites, providing valuable insights and notifications to help you optimize the speed and user experience on your websites.

Versione attuale 4.0.3
Ultimo aggiornamento December 12, 2022
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo
 5/5
Versione attuale 4.0.3
Ultimo aggiornamento December 12, 2022
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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