Maintenance PRO WordPress plugin

Maintenance pro – wordpress plugin

Maintenance PRO WordPress plugin

The Maintenance PRO WordPress plugin is a powerful and feature-rich tool designed to create engaging and customizable “Coming Soon” or “Under Construction” splash pages for your WordPress website. Whether you’re launching a new site, making significant updates, or performing routine maintenance, this plugin allows you to display an attractive and interactive maintenance page to your visitors. It is designed to help you maintain a strong online presence and keep your audience engaged during downtime.

Here are some of the key features and functionalities of the Maintenance PRO WordPress plugin:

Caratteristiche principali:

  1. Video Autoplay Support for Mobile Devices: You can set a background video (e.g., from YouTube) to autoplay on mobile devices, enhancing the visual appeal of your maintenance page.
  2. Full-Screen HD Background Gallery: You can create a dynamic gallery of full-screen HD background images, allowing you to provide an immersive visual experience on your maintenance page.
  3. Customizable Text and Branding: Easily customize the text on your maintenance page, including headline, description, and the “Maintenance Mode” message, to align with your branding and message.
  4. Countdown Timer: Display a countdown timer on your maintenance page to let visitors know when your site will be live again. Choose from three styles: plain numbers, boxed numbers, or circles.
  5. Custom HTML Pop-Up: You can add custom HTML content or embed YouTube videos within a pop-up on the maintenance page, keeping your users engaged and informed.
  6. Email Subscription: Collect email subscriptions from visitors who want to be notified when your site goes live. This feature integrates with MailChimp and Campaign Monitor for email marketing.
  7. Social Media Icons: Include social media buttons on your maintenance page, allowing visitors to connect with you on various social platforms with a single click.
  8. User Roles and Permissions: Assign different user roles and set restrictions on access permissions. You can control what different user roles can see on the maintenance page.
  9. Responsive and Retina Ready: The maintenance page is designed to be responsive and retina-ready, ensuring it looks great on all devices.
  10. Scheduled Countdown: Set a scheduled countdown timer for a maximum of 365 days to indicate when your site will be live again.
  11. Easy Configuration: The plugin provides an intuitive admin interface with checkbox options, making it simple to configure and customize your maintenance page quickly.
  12. Export Emails to CSV: Export collected email subscriptions to a CSV file for future marketing and communication.
  13. HTML Background Blur Effect: Apply a background blur effect to enhance the appearance of the maintenance page.
  14. Google Analytics Tracking: Add your Google Analytics tracking code directly from the admin panel to gather visitor data.

The Maintenance PRO plugin offers a comprehensive set of features and options to help you create an engaging, informative, and visually appealing maintenance page for your website. It is an excellent tool for maintaining a professional online presence even when your site is undergoing updates or maintenance. Whether you’re launching a new site or performing routine maintenance, this plugin can help you keep your audience informed and engaged throughout the process.

The plugin also provides multilingual support, allowing you to create maintenance pages in different languages, further enhancing its flexibility and usability.

Please note that the plugin is frequently updated, so it may have additional features and improvements beyond the mentioned features in the description.

Versione attuale 3.6.2
Ultimo aggiornamento September 9, 2021
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demoVisualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

Versione attuale 3.6.2
Ultimo aggiornamento September 9, 2021
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demoVisualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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