FOX – Currency Switcher Professional for WooCommerce

Fox – currency switcher professional for woocommerce

FOX – Currency Switcher Professional for WooCommerce

WooCommerce Currency Switcher Professional (formerly WOOCS) is a comprehensive plugin designed to enhance the e-commerce experience for WooCommerce stores. It provides a wide range of features for managing multiple currencies, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for customers around the world. Here is a summary of its core functionalities:

Currency Management:

  1. Real-time Currency Rates: Utilizes real-time currency rates to display product prices in multiple currencies, aiding customers in viewing prices in their preferred currency.
  2. Flexible Checkout: Allows the choice for customers to pay in their selected currency or the base currency of the store, providing freedom in payment methods.
  3. GeoIP-Based Payment Rules: Set up payment rules based on country-specific currencies, offering convenience and transparency in pricing.
  4. Fixed Product Prices: Allows setting fixed prices for each currency independent of the exchange rate, offering consistency in pricing strategies.

User Role and GeoIP Management:

  1. User Role-Based Pricing: Set product prices based on the user’s role, ideal for sites with hierarchical user systems.
  2. Individual GeoIP Rules: Customize currency display and pricing based on the geographical location of customers, creating a personalized shopping experience.

Customization and Reporting:

  1. Custom Currency Symbols: Allows the use of custom currency symbols beyond traditional ones, enhancing flexibility for unique businesses.
  2. Custom Price Formats: Flexibility in customizing price displays, including decimal precision, currency symbol positions, and hiding cents for specific currencies.
  3. Caching Plugins Compatibility: Compatible with caching plugins, ensuring efficient performance even with dynamic currency switching.
  4. Reports and Analytics: Provides comprehensive statistics and reports on currency usage, offering insights into customer preferences and sales trends.

Performance and Development:

  1. Optimized Performance: Offers real-time currency conversion with minimal impact on database resources, ensuring fast and accurate currency display.
  2. Developer API: Provides a robust API for developers to extend and customize functionalities according to specific business goals.

Ease of Use and Mobile Compatibility:

  1. Mobile Ready: Ensures the currency switcher is easily accessible and functional across various devices for a user-friendly experience.
  2. Intuitive Interface: Provides an easy-to-use interface for store managers to configure and manage currency-related settings efficiently.

The plugin offers a comprehensive set of tools and options for WooCommerce stores that want to cater to a global audience with different currency preferences.

Versione attuale v2.4.2.2
Ultimo aggiornamento September 14, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

Versione attuale v2.4.2.2
Ultimo aggiornamento September 14, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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