Estudiar – College University

Estudiar – college university

Estudiar – College University

Estudiar – College University Theme Features:

  1. Elementor + Elementor Pro Compatibility:
    • Fully compatible with Elementor and Elementor Pro for easy customization.
  2. Premium Getty Images Stock:
    • Includes $260 worth of Premium Getty Images Stock in the package for free.
    • All images shown on the demo website come with the demo content and can be used for your projects without additional licenses.
  3. Theme Code and Stability:
    • Theme code extends Elementor and Elementor Pro widgets, adding styles and animations.
    • Enhances long-term stability and security.
  4. Options for Theme Code Removal:
    • Allows removing the theme code on a widget-by-widget basis.
  5. Extensive Setup Guide:
    • Detailed setup guide to assist in configuring the theme.
  6. Timely Support:
    • Offers timely support with an average response time of 8 hours.
  7. WordPress Video Tutorials:
    • Includes 23 HD WordPress video tutorials for beginners.
  8. No More Plugin Clutter:
    • Ideal for beginners, eliminating the need for a new theme options panel, widgets, or plugins.
    • Requires only WordPress, Elementor, Elementor Pro, and WooCommerce.
  9. Elementor Pro Global Styles Panel:
    • Utilizes Elementor Pro Global Styles Panel as a theme panel.
  10. Mobile and Tablet Control:
    • Elementor Pro provides full control of the mobile and tablet versions, including customized breakpoints.
  11. RTL Support:
    • Right-to-left (RTL) language support.
  12. Header and Footer:
    • Built with Elementor Pro.
  13. Dynamic Content Layouts:
    • Built with Elementor Pro for various content types, including products, blog posts, archives, 404 pages, maintenance mode, coming soon mode, and search results.
  14. Mega Menus:
    • Mega menus built with Elementor Pro.
  15. Forms:
    • Forms designed with Elementor Pro.
  16. Pop-ups:
    • Pop-ups created with Elementor Pro.
  17. Elementor Pro WooCommerce Builder:
    • Design your products, product archives, my account page, cart, checkout, and side cart using Elementor Pro WooCommerce builder.
  18. Extended WooCommerce Functionality:
    • Includes Wishlist, Ajax Search, and Gift Cards for enhanced WooCommerce functionality.

Estudiar is designed to be a comprehensive and user-friendly WordPress theme specifically tailored for schools, colleges, and universities. With its compatibility with Elementor and Elementor Pro, it offers extensive customization options and a range of features suitable for educational institutions.

Versione attuale 10.1
Ultimo aggiornamento July 5, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

Versione attuale 10.1
Ultimo aggiornamento July 5, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

100% Originale - Tutte le funzioni Premium incluse.

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