Essential Pricing Plan Switcher for Elementor

Essential pricing plan switcher for elementor

Essential Pricing Plan Switcher for Elementor

The Essential Pricing Plan Switcher for Elementor is a plugin designed to help you create, customize, and publish pricing plans quickly and easily using the Elementor page builder. This plugin focuses on offering flexibility, user experience, and creative design, allowing you to showcase your pricing plans for various services in a beautiful and responsive pricing table. Whether you’re offering financial services, internet packages, web hosting, subscription-based services, or any other product or service with different pricing options, this plugin aims to make the process straightforward.

Caratteristiche principali:

  1. Five Types of Design: The plugin provides five unique and creative pricing plan presentation designs to choose from, helping you find the one that suits your website’s style.
  2. Responsive Design: It ensures that your pricing plan tables look good on all types of devices, from desktops to tablets and mobile phones.
  3. Column Support: You can configure column support for different devices, including desktop, tablet, and mobile, ensuring a responsive design.
  4. Customization Options: You have the ability to customize various elements within your pricing plans, including the title, features list, price, popular plan badge, and icons.
  5. Pricing Plan Switcher: You can offer users the choice between monthly and yearly pricing plans, enhancing user engagement and flexibility.
  6. Multiple Currency Symbols: This feature allows you to display pricing in different currencies to cater to a global audience.
  7. Highlight Any Plan: You can choose to highlight specific plans to draw attention to the most popular or recommended options.
  8. Hover Animation: The plugin offers pre-defined hover effects to make your pricing plan tables more interactive and engaging.
  9. URL Button and Text: You can include URL buttons and text links within your pricing plans for more information or call-to-action purposes.
  10. User-Friendly Settings: The plugin is easy to configure and offers settings that are accessible to both beginner and experienced users.
  11. Color Customization: You can customize the colors of all the contents within your pricing plans, ensuring a cohesive design with your website’s theme.
  12. Button Position and Hover Effect: The plugin allows you to choose button positions and hover effects for your pricing plan tables.
  13. Compatibility: It is compatible with all WordPress themes and offers cross-browser compatibility.
  14. SEO-Friendly: The plugin is built with SEO in mind, ensuring that your pricing tables are optimized for search engines.
  15. Translation Ready: If you need your pricing plan tables in different languages, the plugin is translation-ready.
  16. Tested for WordPress 6.0+: It is tested and compatible with WordPress versions 6.0 and higher.
  17. Lightweight: The plugin is designed to be lightweight to ensure fast loading times.
  18. Dedicated Support: The plugin comes with dedicated support to assist you in case you encounter any issues.
  19. Ready-Made Design Styles: You can choose from five pre-designed layout types to match your website’s style.

What Sets Essential Pricing Plan Switcher Apart:

  • No Coding Required: You don’t need coding skills to use this plugin.
  • Easy Setup: It’s straightforward to configure and set up.
  • Clean Code and Design: The plugin offers clean and well-organized code and layout.
  • Stunning Pricing Plans: You can create appealing pricing plans with just a few clicks.
  • Well-Documented: The plugin includes documentation for easy setup and configuration.
  • Dedicated Support: In case you need assistance, the plugin offers dedicated support.

This plugin aims to simplify the process of creating and showcasing pricing plans for a wide range of services, making it an excellent choice for businesses and websites looking to enhance their pricing presentation.

Versione attuale 1.0.1
Ultimo aggiornamento September 20, 2023
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demoVisualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

 5/5
Versione attuale 1.0.1
Ultimo aggiornamento September 20, 2023
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demoVisualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

100% Originale - Tutte le funzioni Premium incluse.

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Aggiornamenti inclusi (6 mesi) - da WPGlobalMarket

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