Elementor Header Footer Builder Addon

Elementor header footer builder addon

Elementor Header Footer Builder Addon

The Elementor Header Footer Builder Addon is a plugin that extends the functionality of Elementor, a popular page builder for WordPress. This addon specifically focuses on helping you create and design headers and footers for your website using Elementor.

Caratteristiche principali:

  1. Create Out-of-the-Box Headers and Footers: This addon allows you to create headers and footers for your website using Elementor. You can design these elements to match your website’s style and branding.
  2. Display Across the Entire Website: Once you design your headers and footers, they will be displayed consistently across your entire website.
  3. Multiple Header Styles: The plugin offers eight different header styles that you can choose from. These styles are demonstrated in the live demo and come with JSON files that you can import into Elementor to get the header and footer styles.
  4. Elementor Features List: The plugin provides various features for Elementor, including top bars, headers, footers, responsive footers, and retina-ready logos.
  5. Menu Customization: You can select and customize menus using Elementor. This includes choosing the menu, alignment, enabling one-page navigation, and selecting icons for dropdown menus.
  6. Mobile Menu Design: The addon allows you to design mobile menus, including the mobile menu button, icon, background color, padding, margin, font size, and more.
  7. Canvas Template: You can create separate headers and footers for specific pages by converting them into Canvas Templates. This provides flexibility in design.
  8. Compatibility: The plugin is designed to work with any WordPress theme.

How to Use:

The usage of this addon involves several steps:

  1. Install & Activate Plugins: After purchasing and downloading the Elementor Header Footer Builder – Addon, install the plugin by uploading the tf-header-footer.zip file.
  2. Design for Header Footer: After successful installation and activation, you can design your own header and footer templates using Elementor. The header and footer you create will be displayed throughout your website. If you want different headers and footers for specific pages, you can convert those pages to Canvas Templates and design unique headers and footers for them.
  3. Build Header Footer in Elementor: Design the following sections for a perfect header:
    • Top Bar: Design the top bar as per your requirements.
    • Elementor Menu: Customize your site’s menu, including typo, padding, margin, line height, background, and dropdown menu.
    • Elementor Mobile Menu: Design the mobile menu button, change icons, background colors, padding, margins, font size, hover button, and close mobile button. Customize the menu panel for mobile devices.

This plugin is designed to work with Elementor to create custom headers and footers for your WordPress website, and it provides a range of customization options for these elements.

Please note that the plugin provides a solution for consistent header and footer design across your website, making it suitable for websites that require a standardized look and feel.

Versione attuale 1.0.3
Ultimo aggiornamento July 19, 2022
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demoVisualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

 5/5
Versione attuale 1.0.3
Ultimo aggiornamento July 19, 2022
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demoVisualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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