Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress

Easy social share buttons for wordpress

Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress

The Easy Social Share Buttons plugin for WordPress is an extensive and versatile tool designed to enhance social media engagement on websites. It offers a wide array of features to facilitate easy sharing of content across various social media platforms.

Caratteristiche principali:

  1. Compatibility: Supports over 50 social media networks, ensuring a broad reach.
  2. Design Options: Offers more than 30 automated display methods, unlimited color and style choices for share buttons, enabling customized aesthetics.
  3. Button Customization: Allows detailed customization of share buttons for any location on the website.
  4. Share Optimization Tags: Provides options for optimizing content sharing, making it more effective.
  5. Analytics: Offers insightful analytics to track social sharing and engagement.
  6. Mobile Support: Provides first-class mobile support for seamless sharing across devices.

Additional Features:

  • Social Followers Tracker: Monitors social follower counts, offering real-time insights into follower growth.
  • Mail List Forms: Provides easy-to-use mail list forms for collecting subscriptions.
  • Real-time Social Chat: Offers social chat features for direct engagement.


  1. Comprehensive: Recognized as one of the most powerful and feature-rich social sharing plugins by WordPress experts.
  2. Large User Base: Trusted by over 310,000+ websites, making it a popular choice among WordPress users.
  3. Versatile Layouts: Offers 55+ attractive layouts for social sharing buttons and a comprehensive set of automated display placements and animations.
  4. Full Coverage: Designed to cover various areas on the website for displaying social component buttons effectively.

Why Choose Simple Social Share Buttons for WordPress?

  • Long-standing Trust: Considered a leader in social media for WordPress, trusted by numerous WordPress sites and leading tech brands for over four years.
  • Comprehensive Solution: Offers everything needed to increase social shares, grow followers, and engage subscribers through a comprehensive WordPress plugin.

In summary, Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress stands out as a comprehensive and trusted plugin that provides everything necessary to boost social engagement, increase followers, and effectively manage social sharing on WordPress websites.

Versione attuale v9.9
Ultimo aggiornamento September 12, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo
 5/5
Versione attuale v9.9
Ultimo aggiornamento September 12, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

100% Originale - Tutte le funzioni Premium incluse.

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