DWT Listing – Directory and Listing WordPress Theme

Dwt listing – directory and listing wordpress theme

DWT Listing – Directory and Listing WordPress Theme

DWT Listing is a versatile WordPress theme designed to provide complete freedom for creating any type of directory or listing website. The theme focuses on easy page design on the front end, allowing users to witness instant results without the need for coding. Here are some key features:

  1. Inbuilt Reservation System:
    • The theme comes with an integrated reservation system.
  2. Event Tickets Selling and Booking System:
    • Offers functionality for selling and booking event tickets.
  3. Commission System:
    • Features a commission system.
  4. Wallet Integration:
    • Wallet functionality is added to the theme.
  5. Powerful Theme Options:
    • Comprehensive theme options provide flexibility in customization.
  6. Contact Form 7:
    • Integrated with Contact Form 7 for easy form management.
  7. Listing Reviews:
    • Users can leave reviews for listings.
  8. Bookmark Listings:
    • Allows users to bookmark their favorite listings.
  9. Listing Ratings:
    • Rating system for listings.
  10. Shortcode Ready:
    • Custom shortcodes are included for enhanced functionality.
  11. Google Maps Integration:
    • Integrated with Google Maps for location-based services.
  12. Background Images Parallax:
    • Parallax effect for background images.
  13. Owl Carousel:
    • Utilizes Owl Carousel for interactive content presentation.
  14. Instant Search on Header:
    • Features an instant search option on the header for quick navigation.
  15. Bootstrap Framework:
    • Built on the Bootstrap framework for responsiveness and functionality.
  16. Fully Responsive:
    • Ensures full responsiveness on various devices.
  17. Breadcrumbs Bar:
    • Includes a breadcrumbs bar for easy navigation.
  18. Customized Dashboard Page for Front-End Users:
    • Users get a customized dashboard page for front-end interactions.
  19. Shop Integration:
    • Fully integrated with WooCommerce for seamless online shopping.
  20. User Sign In/Register Functionality:
    • Allows users to sign in or register for personalized experiences.
  21. Single Click Demo Import:
    • Quick and easy demo import with a single click.
  22. Translation Ready:
    • Translation-ready, although it does not support multi-language functionality.
  23. Clean and Well-Structured Code:
    • Codebase is clean and well-structured for optimal performance.

DWT Listing offers a feature-rich environment for creating directory and listing websites without the need for external paid plugins, making it a comprehensive solution for users looking to set up such platforms.

Versione attuale v3.3.1
Ultimo aggiornamento September 14, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

Versione attuale v3.3.1
Ultimo aggiornamento September 14, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

100% Originale - Tutte le funzioni Premium incluse.

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