Divi Ecommerce Pro

Divi ecommerce pro

Divi Ecommerce Pro

Divi Ecommerce Pro is a robust child theme designed for building online stores with the Divi Page Builder and WooCommerce. It provides a wide range of custom layouts, features, and styles specifically tailored to streamline the creation of an eCommerce site. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of what Divi Ecommerce Pro offers:

Caratteristiche principali:

  1. Custom Layouts for Stores:
    • Over 60 custom styles for building your store.
    • 20+ fully customizable page layouts including shop, product, cart, checkout, and account pages.
    • 3 product page templates with custom styling.
    • Header and footer templates optimized for sales conversions.
  2. WooCommerce Integration:
    • Fully styled WooCommerce pages: shop, cart, product, checkout, and account pages.
    • Wishlist & Quick View integration: Shoppers can preview products without leaving the page and add items to a wishlist.
    • Sticky Cart Button: A floating cart button appears on all pages, reminding customers of their cart contents and improving checkout rates.
    • Slide-in Cart: Offers a quick view of the cart on any page without needing to navigate away from the current page.
  3. Pre-Styled Promotional Elements:
    • Countdown Timer Styles: Useful for promotions, deal of the day, or flash sales.
    • Special Offer Layouts: Dedicated layouts for running product promotions, highlighting featured products, and showcasing discounts.
    • Sale Badges and Timers: Custom sale banners and badges that attract attention.
  4. Customizable Product Pages:
    • Divi Ecommerce Pro includes 3 product page layouts, allowing you to showcase products in various styles.
    • Perfect for selling products, services, memberships, or subscription-based offerings.
  5. Enhanced Blogging Experience:
    • Includes complete styling for blog pages, including post, archive, and search page layouts.
    • Designed for easy content creation and management using WordPress’s blogging platform.
  6. Professional-Grade Sales Elements:
    • Pricing Tables: Professionally styled for selling services, memberships, or subscription-based products.
    • Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons: Custom CTA buttons encourage sales and user engagement.
    • Sliders and Testimonials: Pre-styled sliders and testimonial sections help boost credibility and conversions.
  7. Built-In Popups and Forms:
    • Popup Designs: Comes with captivating popup designs to grab visitor attention for promotions, sales, or lead generation.
    • Newsletter Sign-Up Forms: Easily collect user emails and grow your subscriber list with built-in form styles.
  8. Responsive and Optimized:
    • The theme is fully responsive and designed to perform seamlessly across all devices, ensuring a smooth experience on mobile, tablet, and desktop.
    • Optimized for fast loading speeds, improving both user experience and SEO.
  9. Retina-Ready Design:
    • All images and design elements are optimized for Hi-DPI screens, ensuring clear visuals across devices.
  10. Extended Child Theme Functionality:
    • Beyond WooCommerce, Divi Ecommerce Pro expands style and functionality into additional plugins like breadcrumbs, variations, cart add-ons, and more.
  11. Pre-Styled Pages:
    • Includes essential pre-built pages such as 404 Error, Circa, and Contact Us, making it easy to set up a complete website quickly.
  12. Simple Divi Customization:
    • Integrates WooCommerce with Divi’s powerful page builder, making customization straightforward with drag-and-drop functionality.

Versione attuale v1.0.10
Ultimo aggiornamento September 6, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo
 5/5
Versione attuale v1.0.10
Ultimo aggiornamento September 6, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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