Clotya – Fashion Store eCommerce Theme

Clotya – fashion store ecommerce theme

Clotya – Fashion Store eCommerce Theme

Clotya is an Elementor-based WooCommerce WordPress theme designed for creating fashion stores, clothing shops, baby shops, dress stores, sportswear outlets, fashion multivendor platforms, and more. This theme provides a user-friendly interface and a range of features to assist in building an online fashion store quickly and efficiently.

Caratteristiche principali:

  1. Elementor Page Builder:
    • Leverages Elementor, a popular and intuitive page builder for WordPress.
  2. WooCommerce Ready:
    • Integrates seamlessly with WooCommerce, facilitating the setup of an eCommerce store.
  3. Multi-Vendor Support:
    • Compatible with multi-vendor plugins like Dokan and WC Marketplace, allowing the creation of marketplace-style platforms.
  4. RTL (Right to Left) Compatibility:
    • Supports languages that are written from right to left, such as Arabic.
  5. Ajax Pagination:
    • Provides options for Load More Pagination and Infinite Scroll Pagination using Ajax.
  6. Quick View:
    • Offers a Quick View feature for products.
  7. Order on WhatsApp:
    • Includes functionality for customers to place orders via WhatsApp.
  8. Ajax Shop Filters:
    • Allows users to filter products on the shop page using Ajax.
  9. Ajax Product Search:
    • Enables Ajax-based product searches for improved user experience.
  10. Ajax Add to Cart and Remove From Cart:
    • Adds products to the cart and removes them seamlessly with Ajax.
  11. Wishlist:
    • Offers a wishlist feature for users to save their favorite products.
  12. Mobile Bottom Menu:
    • Includes a mobile-friendly bottom menu for easy navigation.
  13. Recently Viewed Products:
    • Displays a list of recently viewed products.
  14. Catalog Mode:
    • Supports a catalog mode where prices and the cart can be hidden.
  15. Product Features:
    • Various features like Product Image Zoom, Product Video, Product 360 View, and more.
  16. Product Filters:
    • Supports filters by color, brand, and category.
  17. Order Tracking:
    • Provides order tracking functionality.
  18. GDPR Cookie Consent:
    • Integrates a cookie consent feature to comply with GDPR regulations.
  19. Popup Newsletter:
    • Includes a popup newsletter subscription option.
  20. Free Shipping Bar:
    • Displays a bar notifying users about free shipping.
  21. Multilingual Support:
    • Compatible with WPML, Polylang, and Loco Translate for multilingual support.
  22. Contact Form 7:
    • Integrates seamlessly with the Contact Form 7 plugin.
  23. Cache and Speed Options:
    • Total Cache Config file for quick theme cache and speed options.
  24. Customization:
    • Fully customizable with options for colors, backgrounds, and more.
  25. Responsive and Retina Ready:
    • Ensures responsiveness across various devices and Retina display support.
  26. Documentation and Support:
    • Comprehensive documentation and 24/7 fast support.
  27. Performance Optimization:
    • SEO optimized and designed for fast performance.

Clotya aims to provide a versatile and customizable solution for building fashion eCommerce stores with ease.

Versione attuale v1.3.0
Ultimo aggiornamento September 5, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

Versione attuale v1.3.0
Ultimo aggiornamento September 5, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

100% Originale - Tutte le funzioni Premium incluse.

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