


Welcome to BricksForge, where innovation and functionality converge to redefine your development experience. Discover a world of possibilities tailored to elevate your Bricks development to new heights!

Why BricksForge?

Passion- Our relentless enthusiasm for Bricks drives us. We’re passionate developers leveraging Bricks for our own client websites. Experience- As creators of Bricks Widget Creator, our expertise ensures we’re at the forefront of Bricks development. Compatibility- Every line of code harmonizes seamlessly with Bricks, ensuring unparalleled performance and usability. Vanilla JS- Embracing optimal performance, Bricks now excludes jQuery, and we’ve followed suit for peak performance. Lightweight Code- Streamlined HTML structure for maximum efficiency. No excessive div containers around basic elements. Nestable Elements- Harness the power of Nestable Elements API for intuitive nesting wherever it fits best. Modular Approach- Activate only the needed features, keeping your workspace clutter-free and efficient. White Label- Customize BricksForge to match your client’s UI, leaving a professional and personalized impression. Permissions- Define user role permissions, offering tailored access to functionalities. Customization- Tailor the Bricks interface for clients, ensuring a user-friendly experience and client satisfaction. Developer-Friendly- Enjoy full access to advanced functionalities for unparalleled control and customization. Community Access- Join forces with the vibrant #brickscommunityisawesome for collaborative enhancements.

Core Features:

Builder Customizer- Tailor the builder’s appearance and settings for different user roles or create entirely new ones. User Roles- Customize the Bricks Builder for current user roles or introduce new roles, adjusting element display and order. Builder Theme- Craft diverse themes for various user roles, ensuring the builder aligns seamlessly with project UI. Clean Up- Simplify Bricks by reducing unnecessary elements, refining the interface for client use.

Global Classes Creator- Effortlessly convert CSS to Global Classes, integrating your favorite CSS framework into the builder. Create Your Sets- Organize global classes with designated prefixes, displayed as locked Global Classes in the builder. Built-In Framework- Leverage a compact CSS framework offering essentials like font size clamp(), colors, spacing, and a 12-column grid for design flexibility. Full Control- Activate or deactivate individually created global classes at will, ensuring complete control.

Animations- Enhance the Builder with GSAP for high-performance animations, including unique Motion Path functionality. Motion Path- Draw complex element animation paths effortlessly, creating sophisticated animations with ease. Triggers- Set triggers for element animations based on viewport areas, events like “Click” or “Hover,” ensuring precise control. Responsive- Optimize Motion Path elements to respect parent boundaries and adapt to screen width changes.

BricksForge Panel- Access complex processes within the Builder, executing advanced functionalities without coding. Vue.js 3- Developed in Vue.js 3, ensuring seamless integration and harmony with Bricks for a robust development experience. Events- Leverage event-based processes to unlock limitless possibilities and elevate Bricks functionality. GSAP Timelines- Craft intricate animations effortlessly within the Bricksforge Panel.

BricksForge Terminal- Execute commands seamlessly, saving time in creating element structures and global classes. Element Structures- Streamline element structure creation with quick commands for increased productivity. Global Classes- Create multiple classes simultaneously, benefiting from helpful autocompletion. History- Access saved commands conveniently through the terminal, enhancing usability.

Pro Forms- Extend form functionalities to create multi-step forms, unlock new actions, and manage submit conditions. Multi-Step Forms- Craft visually appealing multi-step forms effortlessly, including summaries and optional step elements. More Actions!- Enhance form actions, interact with databases, and expand form capabilities for increased flexibility. Submit Conditions- Set custom conditions for submit buttons, controlling button visibility and behavior based on conditions.

Popups- Design and control popup display conditions for a more engaging user experience. No Library- Streamlined code ensures efficient popup display without excess, optimizing user experience. Customizing- Select from various triggers like “Pageload,” “Scroll Position,” “Click,” or “Hover,” and set delays for refined control.

  • Element- Access the “Popup Trigger” element to create customizable elements that trigger popup actions.

Elements- Discover flexible and nestable elements, offering design flexibility for optimal creativity. Nestable- Embrace nestable elements, empowering your design choices without limitations. Performance- Prioritizing performance in element development for efficient rendering and operations. Flexibility- Enjoy design freedom with a strong foundation for customization, exemplified in the “Flip Everything” element.

Backend Designer- Personalize the backend appearance extensively, exploring multiple design options. Login Page- Modify the WordPress login page, controlling its appearance and customization. Custom Login Url- Secure the backend by changing the URL while blocking accesses via standard URLs. Admin Area- Design the entire admin area to align with your vision, with customizable exceptions.

Email Designer- Create visually appealing emails with conditional design assignment. Twig Support- Utilize Twig in email designing for dynamic content creation, harnessing its powerful PHP template engine. WooCommerce- Seamlessly integrate WooCommerce with Email Designer, crafting dynamic and visually rich email content. Flexibility- Enjoy a wide array of variables and data availability to create personalized emails for enhanced

Versione attuale 2.2.6
Ultimo aggiornamento September 12, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

 5/5
Versione attuale 2.2.6
Ultimo aggiornamento September 12, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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