Advanced Coupons For Woocommerce Premium

Advanced coupons for woocommerce premium

Advanced Coupons For Woocommerce Premium

Advanced Coupons for WooCommerce Premium is a powerful plugin that enhances your WooCommerce store with advanced coupon features. Here are some of the premium features this plugin offers:

  1. Buy X Get X (BOGO) Coupons: Create “Buy One, Get One” (BOGO) offers where customers can receive free or discounted products when they purchase a specified quantity.
  2. Add Products via Coupons: You can automatically add specific products to a customer’s cart when they apply a coupon. This can be useful for promoting related products or upselling.
  3. Coupon Cart Conditions (Rules): Set conditions and rules for when a coupon can be applied. For example, you can create rules like “Coupon is valid only if the cart total is over $50.”
  4. Give Store Credit: Offer store credit to customers as part of your promotional strategy. Customers can use this credit for future purchases.
  5. Advanced Coupon Scheduling: Schedule your coupons to activate and expire at specific dates and times. This feature is handy for running limited-time promotions.
  6. Automatically Apply Coupons: Automatically apply coupons to a customer’s cart based on specific criteria. This can simplify the checkout process and encourage more sales.
  7. Share Coupons via URL: Create shareable coupon URLs that can be easily shared on social media, in emails, or on your website.
  8. Apply Coupons via One-Click Notices: Allow customers to apply coupons directly from notices or messages, making the process more convenient.
  9. Cashback Coupons: Offer cashback to customers as an incentive to make a purchase. The cashback amount can be used for future purchases.
  10. Bulk Coupon Codes with Virtual Coupons: Generate a batch of coupon codes for various promotions and campaigns.
  11. Restrict to User Roles: Limit coupon usage to specific user roles, providing targeted discounts to different customer groups.
  12. Advanced Shipping Discounts: Create advanced shipping discounts based on coupons. This can be used to offer shipping cost reductions or promotions.
  13. Restrict to Payment Gateways: Configure coupons to work only with specific payment gateways or methods.
  14. Coupon Sorting by Priority: Prioritize the application of multiple coupons, ensuring that the most beneficial coupon is applied to the customer’s cart.
  15. Organize with Coupon Categories: Categorize your coupons to manage and organize them more effectively.
  16. Subscription Coupons Support: Offer coupons that are compatible with subscription-based products and services.
  17. Coupons Shown on Admin Emails: View coupon details on order-related admin emails for better tracking and customer service.
  18. Custom Coupon Labels: Customize coupon labels to create unique and branded promotions.
  19. Coupons on Order Quick View: Quickly view coupon details on order summaries for easy reference.
  20. Multi-Lingual and Multi-Currency Support: The plugin supports multiple languages and currencies to cater to a global customer base.
  21. Premium Support & Coupon Assistance: Premium users receive dedicated support and assistance for their coupon-related needs.
  22. Automatic Updates & Security Fixes: Keep your plugin up to date with automatic updates and security fixes.

These premium features of Advanced Coupons for WooCommerce can significantly enhance your e-commerce store by providing powerful and flexible coupon management tools. It allows you to create a wide range of promotions, optimize the shopping experience, and ultimately boost sales and customer satisfaction.

Versione attuale 3.5.1
Ultimo aggiornamento September 3, 2023
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demoVisualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

 5/5
Versione attuale 3.5.1
Ultimo aggiornamento September 3, 2023
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demoVisualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

100% Originale - Tutte le funzioni Premium incluse.

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