Admin Order Modifier for WooCommerce


Admin Order Modifier for WooCommerce

Admin Order Modifier for WooCommerce is an extension designed to enhance the functionality of the WooCommerce admin order edit screen. It allows admins to manage and edit order details more efficiently by adding features for handling line items, taxes, pricing, and refunds directly from the admin interface.

Caratteristiche principali:

  1. Enhanced Line Item Editing:
    • View and edit order line items, including custom fees and shipping costs, with tax or VAT included.
    • Easily update order item unit costs and make changes to item totals or item costs.
  2. Automatic Tax Calculations:
    • Automatically calculate taxes such as VAT when updating order prices, reducing the risk of errors.
    • Admins can skip tax calculations on non-taxable products to avoid unnecessary updates.
  3. Pricing Adjustments:
    • Apply regular or sale prices to line items directly from the edit screen without needing to check product pricing beforehand.
    • Quick-apply buttons for pricing updates streamline the process.
  4. Quick View for Line Items:
    • Add quick-view toggle buttons to easily access detailed line-item information without leaving the order edit screen.
    • A quick link to the frontend product page is also available for easy reference.
  5. Refund Management:
    • Ensure refund calculations are accurate by viewing and adjusting line items directly in the order management screen.
    • Confidence in correct refund processing based on the most current order changes.
  6. Compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS:
    • The extension is fully compatible with WooCommerce’s High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) feature.
  7. Customizable Settings:
    • Admins can configure the extension to show only the features they need, integrating smoothly with WooCommerce settings for a tailored experience.
  8. Additional Features:
    • Adjust column positions in the admin order edit screen for improved organization.
    • Show a warning if the overall order total increases after a price change to prevent mistakes.


  • Save Time: Manage order details quickly with automatic calculations and in-screen pricing updates.
  • Reduce Errors: Automatically calculate tax and pricing adjustments, minimizing the risk of manual errors.
  • Streamlined Interface: Access important order information quickly without navigating between screens.
  • Flexible Settings: Customize the admin order edit screen to match your specific workflow and needs.

The Admin Order Modifier extension boosts the admin’s ability to manage WooCommerce orders more effectively, ensuring quick and accurate order updates, including taxes, pricing, and refunds.

Versione attuale 1.1.1
Ultimo aggiornamento September 13, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

 5/5
Versione attuale 1.1.1
Ultimo aggiornamento September 13, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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