


Wowstore is a powerful WooCommerce plugin designed to help users create, customize, and optimize their online stores. With a focus on improving the shopping experience, boosting sales, and enhancing conversion rates, Wowstore provides a variety of templates, features, and tools to build a successful WooCommerce store.

Caratteristiche principali:

1. Wide Selection of Templates:

  • Wowstore offers pre-built WooCommerce store templates for various industries, such as:
    • Clothing: Create an online fashion or clothing brand using ready-made templates.
    • Jewelry: Stylish templates designed for showcasing high-end jewelry products.
    • Furniture: Elegant layouts for home furnishings.
    • Food: Optimized for restaurants, food delivery, or grocery stores.

2. Gutenberg-First WooCommerce Builder:

  • Built using the Gutenberg block editor, Wowstore promises a modern, high-speed, and agile experience while designing WooCommerce stores. This means better performance, faster page loading, and improved user experience, ultimately leading to more sales and profits.

3. Optimized for Conversion Rates:

  • Wowstore includes several key features designed to increase conversions:
    • Advanced Product Filters: Helps customers filter products more effectively, making shopping easier and improving decision-making.
    • Variation Swatches: Show product variations such as color, size, and style with visually appealing swatches.
    • Wishlist: Allows users to save their favorite items for future purchases.
    • Quick View: Lets customers preview product details without leaving the current page.
    • Product Comparison: Enables side-by-side comparisons of multiple products.
    • Product Videos: Display videos to better showcase products.
    • Size Chart: Helps customers find the right size, reducing returns and increasing satisfaction.

4. Sales-Boosting Features:

  • Wowstore provides tools specifically designed to increase sales and drive customer engagement:
    • Pre-Order: Allow users to place orders for products that aren’t available yet, increasing anticipation and driving future sales.
    • Back Order: Accept orders for out-of-stock products.
    • Partial Payments: Let customers pay in installments, making high-priced items more accessible.
    • Call for Price: Let customers inquire about pricing for specific products.
    • Stock Progress Bar: Display how much stock is remaining, creating urgency and encouraging quick purchases.

5. Conversion Enhancers:

  • Improve conversions with features such as:
    • Name Your Price: Let customers choose what they’re willing to pay, while still setting a minimum acceptable price.
    • Animated Add to Cart: Make the “Add to Cart” process more engaging.
    • Sales Push Notifications: Alert users when products are on sale or in high demand.
    • Sticky Add to Cart: Keep the “Add to Cart” button visible, improving the chances of conversion.

6. Customizable and Flexible:

  • Wowstore offers flexibility with built-in customizations and templates, allowing you to design your store to suit your brand’s unique needs.

Versione attuale 2.0.4
Ultimo aggiornamento September 16, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo
 5/5
Versione attuale 2.0.4
Ultimo aggiornamento September 16, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

100% Originale - Tutte le funzioni Premium incluse.

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