The Events Calendar Event Tickets Plus

The events calendar event tickets plus

The Events Calendar Event Tickets Plus

The Events Calendar Event Tickets Plus

Event Tickets Plus is a WordPress plugin that enhances the capabilities of Event Tickets, allowing you to sell tickets and manage event registration on your website. Here’s an overview of the features and benefits offered by Event Tickets Plus:

  1. eCommerce Integration: With Event Tickets Plus, you can power ticket sales using PayPal with the Tickets Commerce feature. It also provides full integration with WooCommerce, allowing you to use additional payment gateways like Stripe or Braintree for a seamless eCommerce experience.
  2. Attendee Registration Forms: The plugin allows you to create custom attendee registration forms, collecting key details such as name, email, T-shirt size, food preferences, and more. This feature is particularly useful for events with specific attendee requirements.
  3. Shortcodes: Event Tickets Plus offers shortcodes that enable you to display the purchasing blocks for RSVPs and tickets anywhere on your website. This flexibility ensures that your ticketing options can be easily integrated into your content.
  4. Mobile Ticketing App: The plugin includes a mobile ticketing app that utilizes QR code check-in, making day-of-event management more efficient. Attendees can simply present their mobile tickets for quick and easy access.
  5. Ticket Stock Countdown: You can display a ticket stock countdown, which informs potential attendees about the number of tickets remaining. This feature creates a sense of urgency and encourages early ticket purchases.
  6. Custom Ticket Tiers: Event Tickets Plus allows you to set up custom ticket tiers. You can share stock between different ticket types or choose to have unlimited attendees for certain events. This flexibility accommodates a variety of event structures.
  7. WordPress Ticket Management: All ticket and RSVP creation and management can be done directly from your WordPress dashboard. There’s no need to rely on third-party platforms for this functionality.
  8. Ticket Insights: The plugin provides insights into your ticket sales and attendee information. You can generate sales and attendee reports for your events, helping you analyze the success of your ticketing strategies.
  9. Email Confirmation: Event Tickets Plus automatically sends ticket confirmations to attendees. This feature keeps attendees informed and provides them with essential event details.
  10. Online Event Registration: The plugin is suitable for managing registration and ticket sales for both free and paid virtual events. It provides a comprehensive solution for online event management.
  11. Display Attendees: You have the option to publicly display the list of attendees for an event. This can increase engagement and encourage more people to attend when they see who else is going.
  12. Attendee-Only Content: You can restrict access to certain content, such as virtual event links or additional event-related information, to attendees only. This feature enhances the exclusivity of your events.

Event Tickets Plus is a powerful plugin for managing event tickets and registrations on your WordPress website. Whether you’re organizing physical events or virtual ones, this plugin provides a range of features to streamline the process and enhance the attendee experience.

Versione attuale v6.0.2
Ultimo aggiornamento August 22, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

 5/5
Versione attuale v6.0.2
Ultimo aggiornamento August 22, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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