WP Sheet Editor – WooCommerce Products (Premium)

Wp sheet editor – woocommerce products (premium)

WP Sheet Editor – WooCommerce Products (Premium)

WP Sheet Editor – WooCommerce Products (Premium)

WP Sheet Editor is a powerful WordPress plugin that provides a spreadsheet-like interface for managing and editing data within your WordPress site. It simplifies the process of managing large volumes of content or data, making it an efficient solution for website administrators. Here are some of the key features and capabilities of the WP Sheet Editor WordPress plugin:

  1. Integration with Popular Plugins: WP Sheet Editor offers integrations with a wide range of popular WordPress plugins, including WooCommerce, Advanced Custom Fields, Yoast SEO, BuddyPress, and many more. This means you can manage data related to these plugins using the spreadsheet interface.
  2. Support for Custom Fields: You can edit and manage custom fields in addition to core WordPress data. This feature provides flexibility when working with custom post types and custom fields.
  3. Export and Import: The plugin allows you to export data to formats like Excel or Google Sheets, making it easy to manipulate and analyze data externally. You can then import modified data back into your WordPress site.
  4. Multilingual Support: WP Sheet Editor has native support for popular multilingual plugins like WPML and Polylang. You can easily translate content and manage multilingual sites using the spreadsheet interface.
  5. Custom Columns: You can add custom columns to the spreadsheet, enabling you to manage data that may not be part of the core WordPress content types.
  6. Meta and Custom Fields Editing: The plugin provides the ability to edit meta and custom fields, giving you control over data associated with different post types.
  7. Columns Visibility: Customize the view of the spreadsheet by hiding, displaying, and sorting columns as needed.
  8. Formulas: You can use formulas to update multiple rows simultaneously, which is particularly useful for making bulk changes to data.
  9. Advanced Custom Fields Integration: If you use the Advanced Custom Fields plugin, the associated metaboxes will automatically appear within the spreadsheet interface.

Overall, WP Sheet Editor is a versatile and powerful tool that simplifies content management and data editing within WordPress. It’s especially beneficial when dealing with large amounts of data or when you need to manage content from various plugins efficiently. The spreadsheet-like interface streamlines the editing process, making it a valuable addition for website administrators and content managers.

Versione attuale 1.8.14
Ultimo aggiornamento August 9, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

Versione attuale 1.8.14
Ultimo aggiornamento August 9, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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