WP Adminify Pro – Powerhouse Toolkit for WordPress Dashboard

Wp adminify pro – powerhouse toolkit for wordpress dashboard

WP Adminify Pro – Powerhouse Toolkit for WordPress Dashboard

WP Adminify Pro is a comprehensive WordPress plugin that offers an extensive toolkit for customizing and enhancing your WordPress dashboard. Here are some of the key features and functionalities provided by WP Adminify Pro:

1. WordPress Dashboard White Label:

  • Customize your admin panel and login screen.
  • Control the admin footer copyright text.
  • Add custom admin menu items.
  • Set restrictions on existing menu items for specific users or user roles.
  • Enhance your site interface by adding custom dashboard widgets.
  • Control the dashboard background, add a client logo, hide WordPress or other plugins’ versions, change the top admin bar, and more.

2. Adminify UI:

  • Access 10 modern WordPress Dashboard UI templates.
  • Customize admin menu colors, background colors, typography, fonts, body backgrounds, and more.
  • Change button colors and hover effects.

3. Post Type & Media Folders:

  • Organize media, posts, pages, products, and other post types into folders.
  • Easily manage an unlimited number of photographs in different folders.
  • Create, rename, delete, and sort folders for better media organization.
  • Utilize a folder sorting system to filter and find the desired folders.

4. Admin Columns Customizer:

  • Manage WordPress admin columns with custom columns such as Post ID, Post Counter, word count, Featured Image, Show ID on Admin, and more.
  • Supports ACF (Advanced Custom Fields), Metabox, and Pods Content framework.
  • Customize user columns, taxonomy columns, and category columns.

5. WordPress Login Customizer:

  • Easily customize the WordPress admin login screen.
  • Add logos, customize logo types, error messages, copyright text, placeholder text, and label text on the login page.
  • Change the login page’s appearance and layout.

6. Redirect URLs:

  • Rename or rewrite your admin login page URL.
  • Create a custom admin URL and redirect users to a specific page when attempting to log in via the default WordPress login URL.

7. Disable Admin Notices:

  • Disable or hide admin notices, core updates, warnings, and plugin updates.
  • Store hidden notifications in a separate “Notice” page under the Dashboard.

8. Dashboard Menu Editor:

  • Rearrange the admin menu to suit your needs.
  • Add new custom menus and separators.
  • Change menu item text, URLs, icons, and visibility based on user roles.

9. Admin Bar Editor (Upcoming):

  • Customize the WordPress admin toolbar.
  • Add or remove admin bar menu items.
  • Set custom icons and rename menu item text.

10. User Role Editor (Upcoming):

  • Edit user roles and capabilities easily.
  • Add custom user roles and capabilities.
  • Customize default user role capabilities.

11. Dashboard & Welcome Widget:

  • Add custom dashboard widgets to your WordPress Dashboard.
  • Customize widget content with text, shortcodes, videos, icons, RSS feeds, and scripts.
  • Filter widgets by user roles.

12. Light & Dark Mode:

  • Schedule light and dark modes for your WordPress dashboard.
  • Automatically switch between modes based on your system preference.
  • Customize logos for light and dark modes.

13. Header/Footer Script:

  • Add CSS and JS code snippets to your WordPress site without editing theme files.
  • Insert code for specific pages, posts, post types, or the entire site.

14. Quick Floating Menu:

  • Place important options on the bottom right corner of your WordPress dashboard for quick access.
  • Customize menu items, icons, and URLs.

15. Menu Duplicator for WordPress:

  • Duplicate existing WordPress menus and menu items.
  • Easily arrange and customize menus.

16. WordPress Activity Logs:

  • Keep real-time logs of all user activity happening on your website.
  • Monitor changes to posts, pages, media, comments, themes, plugins, and more.
  • Filter and search activity logs by user role or user-based data.

17. WordPress Post Duplicator:

  • Duplicate posts, pages, and custom post types with ease.
  • Supports custom taxonomies and fields.
  • Clone posts directly from the edit page.

18. Admin Pages For WordPress:

  • Create custom admin pages in the WordPress Dashboard.
  • Design admin pages with page builder plugins.
  • Customize admin page titles, CSS, JS, and visibility for specific user roles.

19. Post Type Order Module:

  • Order posts, pages, and custom post types via drag-and-drop sorting.
  • Supports sorting for media library items.
  • Choose specific post types to enable the sorting system.

20. Server Information:

  • Access essential information about your server.
  • View WordPress debug logs and refresh or clear them.
  • Check various server and PHP information, constants, and configuration files.

21. Disable Comments for WordPress:

  • Remove website URL fields from comment forms.
  • Disable links in the comment form and author URLs.

22. Google Pagespeed Insights:

  • Integrate Google Lighthouse for in-depth page optimization suggestions.
  • Receive recommendations for improving page speed.

23. Admin Menu Customization:

  • Set horizontal or vertical admin menus.
  • Define menu typography, colors, fonts, padding, and more.
  • Choose accordion or toggle styles for admin menu items.

24. Admin Bar Customization:

  • Customize the WordPress admin toolbar based on user roles.
  • Add new admin bar items, hide default items, create submenus, and more.

25. Dashboard Custom CSS/JS:

  • Add custom CSS and JS codes to your WordPress site without modifying plugin or theme files.
  • Configure code placement and targeting.

26. WP Adminify White Label:

  • Rebrand the plugin with your agency or website name, logo, and other information.

27. Notification Bar for WordPress:

  • Create notification bars at the top or bottom of your website.
  • Display text messages with buttons and customize their appearance.
  • Set notifications to show on desktop and mobile devices.

28. WordPress Sidebar Generator:

  • Create unlimited WordPress sidebars.
  • Customize sidebar titles and descriptions.
  • Duplicate existing sidebars and rearrange their positions.

29. Menu Duplicator & Menu Item Duplicator:

  • Copy existing menus or duplicate menu items.
  • Modify menu titles, URLs, and more.

This plugin offers a powerful set of tools for customizing and improving the WordPress dashboard, making it more user-friendly and tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

Versione attuale v4.0.1.5
Ultimo aggiornamento September 17, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demoVisualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

Versione attuale v4.0.1.5
Ultimo aggiornamento September 17, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demoVisualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

100% Originale - Tutte le funzioni Premium incluse.

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Aggiornamenti inclusi (6 mesi) - da WPGlobalMarket

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WordPress applica la licenza GPL/GNU a TUTTI i plugin e temi creati per WordPress da sviluppatori di terze parti. La licenza GPL significa che ogni script scritto per WordPress e i suoi derivati devono essere liberi (compresi tutti i plugin e i temi). Poiché acquistiamo tutti gli articoli direttamente dagli autori e li ridistribuiamo al pubblico, siamo in grado di offrire prezzi incredibilmente bassi per gli articoli ufficiali. Il prezzo è un prezzo unico per l'accesso completo, non un pagamento ricorrente. L'assistenza agli autori originali non è inclusa quando si acquista da WPGlobalMarket. Si ottiene solo il file.

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