Tutor LMS Pro

Tutor lms pro

Tutor LMS Pro

Tutor LMS Pro

Tutor LMS Pro is a comprehensive WordPress plugin designed to simplify the process of creating and managing online courses. It offers a wide range of features to enhance the learning experience and make course creation more accessible. Here are some of the key features of Tutor LMS Pro:

  1. Advanced Learning Management System (LMS): Tutor LMS Pro provides a powerful LMS that allows you to create and manage online courses with ease.
  2. Quiz & Question Builder: The plugin includes an advanced quiz and question builder, enabling you to create interactive assessments for your courses.
  3. Advanced Reports & Analysis: You can access detailed reports and analytics to track student progress and performance.
  4. Grading & Certifications: Assign grades to student assessments and issue certificates upon course completion.
  5. Badges & Rewards System: Implement a badges and rewards system to motivate and engage your students.
  6. Course Bundles & Subscriptions: Offer course bundles and subscription plans to provide more value to your learners.
  7. User Management & Custom Fields: Manage user profiles and collect custom information through user fields.
  8. Payment Gateways & Coupons: Accept payments using popular gateways like PayPal and Stripe. You can also use coupon codes to offer discounts.
  9. Private Messaging System: Facilitate communication between instructors and students with a private messaging system.
  10. Dedicated Student Dashboard: Create a dedicated dashboard for students to access their courses, track progress, and communicate with instructors.
  11. Collaborative Learning Tools: Foster collaborative learning with features that enable interaction between students.
  12. Responsive & Mobile Ready: Ensure that your courses are accessible on various devices with a mobile-ready design.
  13. Third-Party Integrations: Integrate with other tools and services to expand the functionality of your eLearning platform.
  14. Easy Course Setup & Management: The user-friendly interface and drag-and-drop builder make course creation and management straightforward.
  15. Security & Monetization Options: Implement security measures to protect your content and monetize your courses effectively.

Tutor LMS Pro is a versatile solution for individuals and organizations looking to offer online courses. It streamlines the course creation process and provides tools for a dynamic and engaging eLearning experience. Whether you’re just starting with eLearning or want to take your courses to the next level, Tutor LMS Pro offers the features and flexibility you need to succeed.

Versione attuale v2.7.4
Ultimo aggiornamento July 31, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

 5/5
Versione attuale v2.7.4
Ultimo aggiornamento July 31, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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