Stoni – Architecture Agency WordPress Theme

Stoni – architecture agency wordpress theme

Stoni – Architecture Agency WordPress Theme

Stoni – Architecture Agency WordPress Theme is a modern and feature-rich theme designed specifically for architecture firms, design studios, and creative agencies. It offers a wide range of customization options and advanced features to help you create a stunning and functional website that showcases your work effectively. Here’s what Stoni offers:

Key Features

  • Gorgeous Home Page Layouts: Beautifully designed home page layouts tailored for architecture and design-focused websites.
  • Elementor Page Builder: A wealth of features and modules for Elementor, allowing for easy drag-and-drop page creation.
  • Product Presentation Modules: Extended modules specifically designed to present your products or projects attractively on your pages.
  • Modern Design: A sleek and contemporary design that highlights your portfolio and services.
  • Drag & Drop Header Builder: Create custom headers with ease using the flexible header builder, complete with presets for quick setup.
  • Customizable Colors and Fonts: Over 100 theme options allow for extensive customization of colors, fonts, and overall design.
  • Local Page Options: Use metaboxes to set local options on individual pages, giving you more control over specific content.
  • 30+ Modules: Access over 30 modules with all necessary settings to create a fully customized website.
  • One-Click Demo Import: Get your website up and running quickly with the one-click demo content import.
  • Fully Responsive: Ensures your website looks great on all devices, from desktops to mobile phones.
  • Extended Row Animations: Add engaging animations to your rows for a dynamic and interactive user experience.
  • Flexible Portfolio Modules: Showcase your work with flexible portfolio modules, including a grid with infinite scroll and a “Load More” button.
  • Team Members Module: A powerful module for presenting your team members, complete with detailed profiles and images.
  • WooCommerce Ready: Seamlessly integrate an online store into your site with full WooCommerce compatibility.
  • Translation Ready & RTL Support: Easily translate your site into multiple languages, including support for right-to-left languages.
  • Child Theme Included: A child theme is included for safer customization and easy updates.
  • Extensive Documentation: Detailed documentation is available to help you get the most out of the theme and its features.

Stoni is an excellent choice for architecture agencies and design professionals looking to create a visually stunning and highly functional website that effectively showcases their portfolio and services.

Versione attuale 1.2.4
Ultimo aggiornamento September 1, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

Versione attuale 1.2.4
Ultimo aggiornamento September 1, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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