Product Sales Report Pro for WooCommerce by Aspen Grove Studios

Product sales report pro for woocommerce by aspen grove studios

Product Sales Report Pro for WooCommerce by Aspen Grove Studios

The Product Sales Report Pro for WooCommerce by Aspen Grove Studios offers a robust array of features to empower store owners with detailed sales insights. Here’s a rundown of its key functionalities:

Reporting Made Easy:

  • Generate and Share: Quickly generate and download reports with a single click or send them via email to recipients.
  • Create Presets: Save customized report settings as templates for easy regeneration or use on other sites.
  • Date Range Sorting: Set specific date ranges or utilize preset durations for streamlined reporting.
  • Order Status Filtering: Customize reports by including or excluding various order statuses to tailor your analysis.
  • User Role Specific Reports: Generate reports specific to WordPress built-in roles, WooCommerce roles, or custom roles.
  • Product Inclusion Criteria: Include specific products based on category, ID, tags, fields, or variations for targeted insights.
  • Grouping and Sorting: Group and sort data based on various fields to analyze sales trends more effectively.
  • Report Formatting: Customize report titles, include headers, totals row, and choose from various file format options.
  • Advanced Styling: Style reports using custom CSS to align with branding or preferred aesthetics.

Download and Share Options:

  • Effortless Sharing: Easily send reports via email or download them for further analysis in spreadsheet software.
  • Presets for Comparative Analysis: Save presets for comparative growth analysis or export them for use across multiple WooCommerce stores.

Granular Sorting for Insights:

  • Detailed Sorting: Sort data by various criteria like quantity, gross sales, dates, tags, categories, fields, etc., for detailed insights.
  • Dynamic Reporting Range: Utilize dynamic date ranges and conditional logic for adaptable reporting.

Reporting Fields Included:

  • Comprehensive Data: Access essential sales data such as product ID, SKU, name, quantity sold, categories, prices, refunds, taxes, and custom meta fields associated with products or variations.

Developer-Friendly Features:

  • Customization Options: Custom CSS for report styling, compatibility settings to prevent conflicts, cache control, debug mode, and extended report generation parameters for larger product libraries.

This plugin provides comprehensive reporting tools, empowering WooCommerce store owners to track, analyze, and optimize their sales strategies efficiently and effectively.

Versione attuale v2.2.50
Ultimo aggiornamento September 14, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

 5/5
Versione attuale v2.2.50
Ultimo aggiornamento September 14, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

100% Originale - Tutte le funzioni Premium incluse.

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