OrderBumps WooCommerce Checkout Offers

Orderbumps woocommerce checkout offers

OrderBumps WooCommerce Checkout Offers

Order Bump for WooCommerce is a powerful tool designed to showcase last-minute product offers during the checkout process. It’s geared towards enhancing the shopping experience, boosting average order values, and encouraging customer loyalty. Here’s why it’s advantageous and how it functions:


  1. Increases Order Size: Customers tend to spend more than planned when presented with appealing last-minute offers during checkout.
  2. Enhances User Experience: Providing tailored offers based on the customer’s cart contents contributes to a better overall shopping experience, fostering increased loyalty.
  3. Attracts Referrals: Satisfied customers who benefit from Order Bump offers are more likely to refer new users to your website.


Order Bumps:

  • Last-minute offers displayed on the checkout page, typically applicable to the entire cart (e.g., Express Delivery, Purchase Protection).

Example: A customer purchasing a mobile phone reaches the checkout. They’re presented with a one-time discount on an additional 1-year warranty for the phone.

  • The customer can accept the offer by checking the “Add to my Order” box, automatically adding the item to the cart at the discounted price.
  • Optionally, multiple Order Bumps can be presented, and customers can accept several offers in a single transaction.

Upsell Funnels:

  • Last-minute product offers related to items in the cart displayed during checkout.

Example: A customer buying a mobile phone sees a one-time discount on accessories for the phone.


  • Insights available for Order Bumps and Upsell Funnels include visit count, order count, revenue earned, and conversion rate.

Caratteristiche principali:

  • Multiple Discount Types: Offers can feature percentage discounts, fixed discounts, or fixed prices.
  • Customizable Templates: 20 customizable design templates available, easily swappable at any time.
  • Display Position Options: Choose from four different positions on the checkout page.
  • Detailed Reports: Access vital data for each Order Bump, such as visitor count, order count, conversion rate, and revenue earned.

This extension provides a suite of tools aimed at enhancing the checkout process, encouraging additional purchases, and offering tailored incentives, contributing to improved sales and customer satisfaction.

Versione attuale 1.24.0
Ultimo aggiornamento September 16, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

 5/5
Versione attuale 1.24.0
Ultimo aggiornamento September 16, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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