Openpos WooCommerce Point Of Sale(POS) Plus Addons

Openpos – woocommerce point of sale(pos) plus addons

Openpos WooCommerce Point Of Sale(POS) Plus Addons

Openpos is a versatile and feature-rich point of sale (POS) plugin designed specifically for WooCommerce, a widely-used e-commerce platform. It seamlessly integrates with WooCommerce, enabling online store owners to enhance their websites with comprehensive in-store selling capabilities.

Here are some of the key features and functionalities of Openpos:

  1. Multi-Purpose Usage: Openpos can be used for various types of businesses, including retailers, restaurants, cafes, spas, gyms, hospitals, salons, supermarkets, bars, clothing stores, and more.
  2. Point of Sale System: It provides everything needed for a robust Point Of Sale system, including support for multi-type businesses.
  3. No Monthly Fees: There are no monthly fees, and it’s hosted in the same location as your WooCommerce store.
  4. Progressive Web App (PWA): Openpos offers PWA support on desktop, providing a fast, integrated, and engaging experience for users.
  5. Business Modes: It supports different business modes, including retailer, grocery, cafe/restaurant with table management, salon, and more.
  6. Real-time Sync: Openpos enables real-time synchronization of table order data between waitstaff and the kitchen.
  7. Inventory Management: You can manage your inventory, perform stock adjustments, and get an overview of your stock.
  8. Multi-Warehouse: Use multi-warehouses or outlets to manage different inventory locations.
  9. Barcode Support: Openpos supports various types of barcode scanners and allows you to add products by scanning barcodes or searching by name/sku.
  10. Digital Scale: It supports digital scale and digital weighing scale barcodes for weight-based pricing.
  11. Order Management: You can add order notes, item notes, and apply discounts and coupons to orders.
  12. Multi-Cart Checkout: Manage multiple carts and checkout with multiple payment methods, including split payments.
  13. Offline Mode: Openpos works in offline mode, ensuring functionality even without an internet connection.
  14. Receipts and Labels: Generate and print or email receipts and barcode labels.
  15. Cash Management: Keep track of cash handling at the point of sale.
  16. User Management: Manage user access to the POS panel with user login control.
  17. Sessions and Logoff: Keep track of active login sessions and allow cashiers to log off without data interference.
  18. WooCommerce Integration: It’s fully integrated with WooCommerce, supporting various product types, add-ons, and bundles.
  19. Order Processing: Openpos provides easy order processing and management, supporting refunds, exchanges, and LayBuy for “buy now, pay later” transactions.
  20. Extensions: It’s easy to extend and manage code to meet specific business requirements.

Openpos is a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to streamline in-store operations and offer customers a smooth and efficient point of sale experience. It offers flexibility, reliability, and convenience in managing physical store operations alongside your online presence.

Versione attuale 7.1.0 + Addons
Ultimo aggiornamento September 13, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demoVisualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

Versione attuale 7.1.0 + Addons
Ultimo aggiornamento September 13, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demoVisualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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