Mentary – Solar Panel and Renewable Energy Template Kits

Mentary – solar panel and renewable energy template kits

Mentary – Solar Panel and Renewable Energy Template Kits

Mentary is a comprehensive Elementor Template Kit designed specifically for businesses in the solar panel and renewable energy sector. Here is a closer look at its features and offerings:

Template Kit Overview:

  • Focused Niche: Tailored for solar panel and renewable energy websites.
  • SEO-Friendly: Designed with SEO best practices for better online visibility.
  • Customizable Templates: Offers various templates highlighting services, projects, team, testimonials, and more.
  • Responsive Design: Ensures the website looks great and functions well across different devices.

Page Templates Included:

  1. Home Page: Showcases key services and highlights.
  2. Testimonial: Displays client testimonials for credibility.
  3. Contact Us: Provides a means for visitors to get in touch.
  4. Our Team: Introduces the team members or key personnel.
  5. About Us: Details the company’s background and mission.
  6. Our Services: Highlights various services offered.
  7. Service Detail/Single Service: Provides in-depth information about specific services.
  8. Our Project Portfolio: Showcases completed projects.
  9. Header & Footer: Offers customizable header and footer sections.

Key Highlights:

  1. Ease of Customization: Utilizes Elementor’s drag-and-drop visual builder for easy editing without coding.
  2. Font and Color Customization: Centralized control over fonts and colors for uniformity or individual tweaks for specific elements.
  3. Modern Design: Boasts a sleek and professional design to convey a contemporary image.
  4. Fast Loading: Prioritizes fast-loading speeds for a seamless user experience.
  5. Compatibility: Compatible with various Elementor themes for easy integration.
  6. Plugin Installation: Includes essential plugins during the template kit installation process.

Plugins Installed with the Kit:

  1. Elementor Header & Footer Builder: For customizing header and footer sections using Elementor.
  2. Jeg Elementor Kit: Likely additional design elements or components specific to the kit.
  3. MetForm: A form builder plugin that might be used for contact forms or other form-related functionalities.


  • Efficient Design: Helps showcase services, projects, and team while promoting the benefits of renewable energy.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Simplifies website management and customization without coding.
  • Fast Performance: Prioritizes a quick and seamless browsing experience for visitors.
  • Integration Support: Compatible with Elementor themes for easy implementation into existing websites.

Mentary is a comprehensive solution for businesses in the solar industry, offering a modern and user-friendly platform to showcase services, projects and team information while highlighting the benefits of renewable energy.

Versione attuale Latest
Ultimo aggiornamento March 7, 2023
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

Versione attuale Latest
Ultimo aggiornamento March 7, 2023
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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