Apress Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme

Apress responsive multi-purpose theme

Apress Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme

Apress Theme is a culmination of over 20 months of dedicated work by a team of designers and developers. It is equipped with the latest technologies, designed with the user in mind, and ensures endless freedom to create and customize your site without any coding.

Caratteristiche principali:

  1. Header Builder: Apress features an intuitive header builder that allows easy drag-and-drop customization for creating unique headers for your site. You can design horizontal, vertical, expanding headers, and more.
  2. Menu Designer: The theme offers 17 different menu hover designs for both horizontal and vertical headers, providing extensive customization options for colors, gradients, and CSS properties.
  3. Sticky Header Styles: Apress includes three different types of sticky header design options – fixed, shrink, and slide down. Sticky header settings are fully customizable for color, height, transparency, etc.
  4. Gradient Support: Enjoy gradient support for various elements, including WordPress default buttons, providing beautiful and eye-catching combinations.
  5. Mobile Header Styles: Two different types of mobile headers are available – with or without a menu bar, giving you control over your site’s appearance on mobile devices.
  6. Translation Ready: Apress Theme is fully translation-ready and compatible with the WPML Plugin and Loco Translate.
  7. One Page and Multipage Ready: Easily create both one-page and multipage layouts with just one click. Choose the slider position above or below the header.
  8. Apress Gallery Insta Designs: Access over 250 Insta designs in the Apress Gallery to simplify and expedite the process of creating new sites.
  9. Layouts: The theme offers three different site layouts – wide, boxed, and framed – catering to various design preferences.
  10. Mega Menu: A built-in mega menu allows easy design in the native style with drag-and-drop options.
  11. Search Styles: Choose from three different search styles – default, expanded search, and full-screen – to match your site’s aesthetics.
  12. Vertical Navigation: Enjoy the flexibility of vertical headers in a click, whether with a boxed slider or full-screen slider.
  13. Parallax Effect: Easily add parallax effects to any row or column using the visual composer.
  14. Image Sliders: Apress Theme provides five different types of image sliders for styling pages, posts, portfolios, and more.
  15. Unlimited Portfolio: There are no limits to the number of portfolios that can be added, each with various layout options like slider, masonry, packery, and grid.
  16. Unlimited Single Portfolio Page Styles: Choose from over eight different designs for showcasing your work on single portfolio pages.
  17. Blog Designs: Apress offers 15 different blog layouts with filter options for grid, masonry, zig-zag, full screen, fixed height, list, and card styles.
  18. Blog Single Post Designs: Access six different single post layouts with options for displaying stick sidebars in left or right positions.
  19. Blog Post Sliders: Seven different slider layouts are available for featuring your blog posts.
  20. WooCommerce Ready: Apress Theme is fully compatible with WooCommerce, providing extensive options for customizing your shop page.
  21. Retina Ready: The theme is equipped with retina-ready features, allowing the use of high-resolution images for logos, icons, etc.
  22. Unlimited Sidebars: Apress supports unlimited sidebars with a generator and design options for full customization.
  23. Footer Designer: Customize your footer with three different footer areas and various design options.
  24. Powerful Page Options: Apress Theme features a powerful theme option built with the Redux framework, offering options for all areas of the website.
  25. Contact Form Designs: Choose from 10 different designs to style your contact form with full control over colors.
  26. Lightbox Gallery: Two different lightbox galleries are available to present your images in a classy way.
  27. Custom Widgets: Apress includes more than six custom widgets for showcasing information such as About us, Contact Info, Recent Post, Recent Works, Instagram, and Twitter.
  28. Fully Responsive: Apress Theme is fully responsive, ensuring a seamless experience across all devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobiles.

These features make Apress a versatile and powerful multi-purpose theme suitable for a wide range of websites.

Versione attuale v6.1.2
Ultimo aggiornamento September 13, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo
 5/5
Versione attuale v6.1.2
Ultimo aggiornamento September 13, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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