ACF Frontend For Elementor

Acf frontend for elementor

ACF Frontend For Elementor

ACF Frontend for Elementor is a powerful tool that simplifies website management for both web developers and end-users. With this plugin, you can create easily manageable websites that don’t require coding skills or extensive technical knowledge. It seamlessly integrates Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) and Elementor, providing a user-friendly interface for editing, publishing, and managing website content directly from the frontend.

Caratteristiche principali:

  1. No Coding Required: ACF Frontend for Elementor eliminates the need for clients or end-users to delve into complex ACF or Elementor documentation. It offers a straightforward, ready-to-use solution for content management.
  2. Edit Posts: Users can edit posts directly from the frontend of their websites, without having to access the WordPress dashboard. This simplifies the content update process.
  3. Add Posts: Users can publish new posts from the frontend using the “new post” action, making it easy to create and publish content.
  4. Edit User Profile: The plugin allows users to easily edit their user data from the frontend, enhancing user profile management.
  5. User Registration Form: You can offer new users the ability to register on your site using a built-in user registration form. This feature even allows you to hide the WordPress dashboard from new users.
  6. Hide Admin Area: Select which users and roles should have access to the WordPress admin area, providing enhanced security and control.
  7. Configure Permissions: Choose who can view and use your form based on user roles or specific users, allowing for fine-grained permission control.
  8. Modal Popup: Display forms in a modal window that opens when a button is clicked, ensuring that they don’t take up unnecessary space on your website pages.
  9. Delete Posts: Users can delete posts directly from the frontend, making content management more convenient.
  10. Style Individual Fields: Use the power of Elementor to style your fields, ensuring a visually appealing form design.

Pro Features:

  1. Edit Global Options: Create an options page using ACF for global data (e.g., header and footer data) and let users edit it from the frontend.
  2. Limit Submissions: Control the number of times users can submit the form to prevent spam or misuse.
  3. Send Emails: Set up email notifications and map form data to display in the email fields, including the email address, from address, subject, and message.
  4. Style Tab: Use Elementor to style the form, modal window, and buttons, ensuring a cohesive design.
  5. Multi-Step Forms: Enhance user engagement by creating multi-step forms for a more interactive user experience.
  6. WooCommerce Integration: Add built-in fields for WooCommerce products, enabling users to add products from the frontend.
  7. Google Recaptcha: Enhance security by protecting forms from spam with Google Recaptcha.
  8. Stripe and PayPal Payments: Accept payments through Stripe upon form submission, providing a seamless transaction experience.
  9. AJAX Submission: Offer users a smooth editing experience with no page reload forms, improving efficiency.

ACF Frontend for Elementor simplifies website management, making it accessible to a wider audience. It’s a valuable tool for web developers and website owners looking to streamline content management, enhance user experiences, and improve website functionality.

Versione attuale 3.23.0
Ultimo aggiornamento September 16, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demoVisualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

 5/5
Versione attuale 3.23.0
Ultimo aggiornamento September 16, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demoVisualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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