Jannah News – Newspaper Magazine News AMP BuddyPress

Jannah news – newspaper magazine news amp buddypress

Jannah News – Newspaper Magazine News AMP BuddyPress

Jannah stands as a meticulously developed theme by TieLabs, the team behind the widely acclaimed Sahifa News Theme. With over a year of devoted crafting, Jannah brings real-world features like native GIF support, web-based push notifications, and a modern mobile navigation experience with built-in AJAX Mega Menus.

Revolutionizing online publishing for WordPress, Jannah reimagines desktop publishing for the contemporary era of content marketing. It boasts a striking design, fresh layout options, modern sharing tools, and seamless integration with WordPress’s most popular extensions, providing utmost flexibility.

Adaptable for Today’s Devices Jannah’s fully responsive design not only adapts to modern devices but also stays updated for the latest mobile interfaces, ensuring a swipe-friendly experience. Intelligent menu features further enhance user experience by adjusting to the device, ensuring seamless content consumption.

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Compatibility Fully aligned with the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project, Jannah ensures your content is mobile-optimized and loads blazingly fast across all platforms.

SEO Optimization Jannah excels in SEO with Articles and Reviews Schema, supporting snippet views for longer articles. It seamlessly integrates with popular SEO plugins like Yoast SEO and Rank Math, providing full HTML SEO support and SEO Rich Snippet support for add-ons like Reviews, Ratings, and Photos.

High Performance and Speed Jannah elevates speed with advanced developments behind the scenes. Features like Lazy Load for images, minified versions for JS and CSS resources, built-in cache, and compatibility with WP Super Cache enhance page load speeds and overall website performance.

bbPress Integration Integrating the industry-leading forum software, Jannah ensures easy setup of discussion forums within your WordPress site. Easy to moderate, swift, and tidy, bbPress simplifies management within a centralized account with a One-Click install.

Pre-Skinned Demos and Font Options With diverse pre-skinned demos and an extensive font library encompassing over 800 Google Fonts and 150+ FontFace.me fonts, Jannah offers a variety of styles without the hassle of installations or updates.

Customizable Features Jannah enables custom layouts, offering flexibility in design—whether it’s Bordered, Fullwidth, Boxed, Masonry, or One Column layouts. Hotspots within content facilitate easy navigation, while Ajax Mega Menus provide dynamic menu options for an engaging browsing experience.

Mobile Navigation and ‘Select and Share’ Jannah stands out with beautifully styled and customizable mobile navigation, allowing modification of backgrounds and enabling ‘Select and Share’—an intuitive feature empowering users to share specific content effortlessly.

Email Marketing and Parallax Effects Integrated with email distribution tools like MailChimp and Feedburner, Jannah assists in building email lists. Parallax effects and video backgrounds engage users, creating compelling landing pages and CTAs.

One-Click Import and Advertiser Spaces With One-Click Demo Import, setting up your design becomes effortless. Moreover, Jannah optimizes space for advertisements, accommodating various ad block sizes and WooCommerce for eCommerce needs.

Unique BuddyPress Design and More Featuring a seamless BuddyPress Design for social media integration, Jannah boasts over 20 pre-made demos, unlimited header styles, Instagram widget integration, a user-friendly Page Builder, powerful theme options, translation readiness, stunning video playlists, animated weather widgets, web notifications, custom widgets, and comprehensive WooCommerce extended functionality.

This feature-rich theme ensures a responsive design, RTL support, multilingual compatibility, built-in translation panels, compatibility with cryptocurrency plugins, and continuous lifetime updates.

Versione attuale v7.3.0
Ultimo aggiornamento September 17, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

Versione attuale v7.3.0
Ultimo aggiornamento September 17, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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