Hermes – Multi-Purpose Premium Responsive WordPress Theme

Hermes - multi-purpose premium responsive wordpress theme

Hermes – Multi-Purpose Premium Responsive WordPress Theme

Hermes is a versatile and professional WordPress theme designed for a wide range of applications including e-commerce, business, creative, news, and corporate websites. Below is a detailed overview of the theme’s features, functionality, and customization options.

Key Features

  1. E-commerce Functionality
    • WooCommerce 8.x Ready: Fully compatible with the latest version of WooCommerce.
    • Product Quick View: Allows customers to get a quick view of product details without leaving the current page.
    • Ajax Shopping Cart: Provides a smooth shopping experience with an AJAX-powered cart.
    • Wishlist and Compare: Enables customers to save and compare products.
  2. Design and Customization
    • Multiple Layouts: Includes several layouts for home pages and product pages, providing extensive customization options.
    • Responsive Design: Fully responsive and works seamlessly on various devices.
    • Mega Menu: Advanced navigation with customizable mega menu options.
    • Revolution Slider: Comes with the Revolution Slider plugin for creating stunning slideshows.
    • WPBakery Page Builder: Drag-and-drop page builder to easily create and customize pages without coding knowledge.
    • Unlimited Colors and Google Fonts: Powered by Redux framework for extensive color and typography options.
  3. Performance and User Experience
    • PHP 8.x and WordPress 6+ Ready: Compatible with the latest PHP and WordPress versions.
    • Lazy Loading: Enhances page load speed by loading images as they come into the viewport.
    • Autocomplete Ajax Search: Improves search functionality with real-time suggestions.
    • Load More Ajax Options: Efficiently loads more products without refreshing the page.
  4. Advanced Features
    • Newsletter Popup: Supports both Mailchimp and MailPoet for email marketing.
    • Products Carousel and Latest Posts Carousel: Engaging carousels to showcase products and posts.
    • Product Images Lightbox and Zoom: Enhances product viewing experience on the details page.
    • Grid and List View for Shop Page: Provides different viewing options for product listings.
    • Social Icon Links: Easy integration of social media links.
    • Error 404 Page: Customizable 404 error page included.
  5. Pre-Built Pages and Layouts
    • Home Page Layouts: 7 different layouts to choose from.
    • Blog Layouts: 12 blog layouts with various post formats (audio, video, gallery, image).
    • Contact and About Pages: Pre-designed pages to easily set up essential sections of the website.
    • Sidebar Options: Left and right sidebar options for enhanced layout flexibility.
    • Box Layout and Full Width Layout: Choose between box layout and full-width layout.
  6. Included Plugins
    • WPBakery Page Builder: For easy drag-and-drop page building.
    • Mega Main Menu: Advanced menu customization.
    • Revolution Slider: For creating dynamic and responsive sliders.
    • Wishlist Feature: Allows users to save their favorite products.
    • Products Compare: Facilitates product comparison.
    • MailPoet: For creating and managing newsletters.
    • Contact Form 7: For creating customizable contact forms.
  7. Miscellaneous
    • Sample Content: Includes sample content to help you set up your website quickly.
    • Extensive Documentation: Well-documented instructions for easy setup and customization.
    • PHP and WP Ready: Ready for the latest PHP and WordPress updates ensuring longevity and compatibility.


Hermes is a comprehensive WordPress theme packed with features that cater to various types of websites. Its strong e-commerce capabilities, coupled with extensive customization options and advanced features, make it a versatile choice for anyone looking to build a professional and responsive website. Whether you are setting up an online store, a corporate site, or a personal blog, Hermes provides the tools and flexibility needed to create a high-performance and visually appealing website.

Versione attuale v2.1.6
Ultimo aggiornamento May 24, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

Versione attuale v2.1.6
Ultimo aggiornamento May 24, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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Aggiornamenti inclusi (6 mesi) - da WPGlobalMarket

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