AI ChatBot for WordPress with OpenAI – ChatGPT

Ai chatbot for wordpress with openai - chatgpt

AI ChatBot for WordPress with OpenAI – ChatGPT

WPBot ChatBot is a comprehensive WordPress plugin designed to enhance user engagement, provide support, answer questions, and increase conversions on your website. It leverages advanced technologies like OpenAI’s ChatGPT to create a more interactive and personalized experience for your users.

Caratteristiche principali:

  1. Personalized, Persistent ChatBot:
    • WPBot offers a personalized welcome message to users, improving user experience and engagement. The ChatBot is available 24/7, ensuring users always have assistance.
  2. Plug and Play Installation:
    • WPBot is easy to install and configure, requiring minimal setup. It’s designed for English websites with immediate functionality, and other language setups can be customized within minutes.
  3. Artificial Intelligence & NLP:
    • Integrated with OpenAI and Google’s Natural Language Processing (NLP), WPBot can engage in small talk, understand user requests, and fulfill reasonable queries.
  4. User Intent Detection:
    • WPBot detects user intents from natural language inputs, allowing it to respond appropriately to various commands and requests.
  5. Predefined Intents:
    • Includes predefined intents like Simple Text Responses, Website Search, Email Subscription, Call Me Back, Feedback Collection, FAQs, and Support Email, which are ready to use upon installation.
  6. Custom Intents & DialogFlow Integration:
    • Allows for the creation of custom intents and responses directly in DialogFlow, enabling a more intelligent and human-like interaction. Rich responses, including images and cards, can be integrated into the chat.
  7. Chained Questions & Answers:
    • Supports chained questions and answers using Follow Up Intents, Contexts, and Entities in DialogFlow. User inputs trigger specific responses or actions, enhancing the conversational flow.
  8. Rich Responses & Facebook Messenger Integration:
    • Enables rich responses using Facebook Messenger integration, displaying images, cards, quick text replies, or custom payloads within the chat interface.

Additional Add-Ons Available:

  • Conversational Forms Pro Add-On: Enhances forms for a more conversational experience.
  • Live Chat Add-On: Adds live chat functionality to WPBot.
  • Chat Sessions Add-On: Manages and tracks chat sessions for better user support.
  • Facebook Messenger Add-On: Integrates WPBot with Facebook Messenger for broader reach.
  • WhatsApp ChatBot Integration Add-On: Connects WPBot with WhatsApp for user engagement.
  • OpenAI GPT-3 Integration Add-On: Enhances WPBot’s capabilities with OpenAI’s powerful GPT-3 model.
  • Extended Search Add-On: Improves website search functionality within WPBot.
  • White Label Add-On: Allows customization and branding of WPBot.
  • Mailing List Integration Add-On: Integrates WPBot with mailing list services.
  • Extended UI Add-On: Adds additional templates and UI options for WPBot.
  • Multi-Language Add-On: Enables WPBot to support multiple languages.
  • Voice Message Add-On: Introduces voice messaging capabilities to WPBot.
  • Simple Text Responses Pro Add-On: Enhances simple text responses with more features.
  • Voice Communication Add-On: Integrates voice communication within WPBot.
  • WooCommerce Add-On: Adds WooCommerce support to WPBot for e-commerce interactions.
  • Telegram Add-On: Integrates WPBot with Telegram for chat functionality.

WPBot ChatBot with ChatGPT offers a versatile and powerful solution for WordPress websites, enhancing user engagement, support, and conversion rates through advanced conversational AI capabilities.

Versione attuale v12.7.0
Ultimo aggiornamento May 16, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

Versione attuale v12.7.0
Ultimo aggiornamento May 16, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

100% Originale - Tutte le funzioni Premium incluse.

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