Blonwe – Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme

Blonwe - multipurpose woocommerce theme

Blonwe – Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme

Blonwe is a versatile eCommerce WordPress theme designed to cater to a variety of online store niches. With its easy-to-use interface and unique design, Blonwe provides a range of features to help users build and manage their own online stores efficiently. The theme is suitable for various eCommerce categories, including electronics, grocery, fashion, marketplace, furniture, auto parts, cosmetics, medical, sportswear, jewelry, books, glasses, kids’ products, pets, watches, wine, organic goods, gardening, toys, coupons, multi-vendor setups, and more.

Caratteristiche principali:

  1. Elementor Page Builder: Blonwe is integrated with the Elementor Page Builder, making it easy for users to create and customize their website without the need for coding skills.
  2. WooCommerce Ready: The theme is compatible with WooCommerce, a popular eCommerce plugin for WordPress, enabling users to set up and manage their online stores seamlessly.
  3. Advanced Attribute Search Filter: Blonwe includes an advanced attribute search filter, allowing users to enhance the search functionality on their eCommerce site.
  4. Dokan (Multi-Vendor Plugin) Ready: The theme is compatible with Dokan, a multi-vendor plugin, enabling users to create a multi-vendor marketplace.
  5. RTL (Right to Left Arabic) Compatible: Blonwe supports RTL, making it suitable for websites that use right-to-left Arabic scripts.
  6. Load More Pagination Ajax Ready: The theme includes load more pagination with Ajax functionality for a seamless user experience.
  7. Infinite Scroll Pagination Ajax Ready: Infinite scroll pagination is available for users who prefer this method of loading content.
  8. Quick View Ready: Blonwe comes with a quick view feature, allowing users to preview product details without navigating away from the main shop page.
  9. Order on WhatsApp Ready: The theme includes an option for users to place orders through WhatsApp.
  10. AJAX Shop Filters Ready: AJAX shop filters enhance the user experience by providing quick and dynamic filtering options.
  11. AJAX Product Search Ready: Users can benefit from AJAX-powered product search for quicker and more accurate search results.
  12. AJAX Add to Cart for Variable & Grouped Products Ready: The theme supports AJAX add to cart functionality for variable and grouped products.
  13. AJAX Remove From Cart Ready: Users can remove items from the cart seamlessly using AJAX.
  14. Wishlist Ready: Blonwe includes a wishlist feature, allowing users to save their favorite products for future reference.
  15. Mobile Bottom Menu Ready: The theme includes a mobile-friendly bottom menu for easy navigation on mobile devices.
  16. Recently Viewed Products Ready: Users can quickly access recently viewed products for a convenient shopping experience.
  17. Min/Max Quantity Option Ready: Blonwe supports setting minimum and maximum quantity options for products.
  18. Min Order Amount Ready: Users can set a minimum order amount for purchases.
  19. Catalog Mode Ready: The theme includes a catalog mode, allowing users to showcase products without the option to purchase directly.
  20. Single Product Stock Progress Bar Ready: A stock progress bar provides visual information on product availability.
  21. Single Product Time Countdown Ready: Users can set a countdown timer for specific products.
  22. Buy Now Button Ready: The theme includes a “Buy Now” button for quick checkout.
  23. Product Image Zoom Ready: Users can zoom in on product images for a closer look.
  24. Product Video (Youtube and Vimeo) Ready: The theme supports embedding videos for product presentations.
  25. Product 360 View Ready: Users can provide a 360-degree view of products.
  26. Product Mobile Filters Ready: Mobile users can benefit from product filters for easy navigation.
  27. Product Category Filters Ready: Users can filter products by categories for a more organized shop.
  28. Product Status (Stock/On Sale) Ready: The theme displays product status, indicating stock availability and sale status.
  29. Product Filter by Color: Users can filter products based on color preferences.
  30. Product Filter by Brand: Brand filtering is available for users to find products from specific brands.
  31. Sticky Add to Cart for Mobile Ready: The sticky “Add to Cart” button remains accessible on mobile devices for easy checkout.
  32. Order Tracking Ready: The theme includes order tracking functionality for users to monitor their purchases.
  33. GDPR Cookie Consent Ready: Blonwe is GDPR-compliant with a cookie consent feature.
  34. Popup Newsletter Ready: Users can incorporate a newsletter signup popup.
  35. Maintenance – Coming Soon Ready: The theme includes a maintenance mode and coming soon page.
  36. Added to Cart Ajax Popup Notice Ready: A popup notice appears when items are added to the cart.
  37. Free Shipping Bar Ready: Users can display a free shipping bar on the website.
  38. Sticky Titles for Product Detail Ready: Product detail titles remain sticky for better navigation.
  39. Login/Register Form with Tab Ready: The theme includes a tabbed login/register form.
  40. Ajax Login/Register Form Ready: An AJAX-powered login/register form provides a seamless user experience.
  41. Video Tutorials Ready: Video tutorials are available to assist users in setting up and customizing their website.
  42. WPML Supported: Blonwe is compatible with WPML, a plugin for building multilingual websites.
  43. Polylang (Multilanguage) Supported: Polylang is supported for creating multilingual websites.
  44. Loco Translate Supported: Loco Translate is supported for translating theme elements.
  45. Contact Form 7: The theme is compatible with Contact Form 7 for creating and managing contact forms.
  46. Metabox Supported: Metabox integration provides additional functionality for content creation.
  47. Google Web Fonts: Blonwe supports Google Web Fonts for customizable typography.
  48. Blog Ready: The theme includes a blog section for sharing content.
  49. .POT for All Languages – Multi-Language: Blonwe supports .POT files for easy translation into multiple languages.
  50. 7/24 Fast Support: Users can access fast and responsive support for assistance.
  51. Oneclick Demodata Installer and XML: A oneclick demodata installer simplifies the process of importing demo content.
  52. Oneclick Theme Update: Users can update the theme easily with a single click.

These features make Blonwe a comprehensive WordPress theme for eCommerce, offering a user-friendly experience and versatile options for various online store categories.

Versione attuale v1.1.5
Ultimo aggiornamento September 15, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

 5/5
Versione attuale v1.1.5
Ultimo aggiornamento September 15, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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