YITH Automatic Role Changer

Yith automatic role changer

YITH Automatic Role Changer

YITH Automatic Role Changer

YITH Automatic Role Changer for WooCommerce is a handy plugin that simplifies the process of assigning specific user roles to customers who purchase certain products in your WooCommerce store. It offers the following features:

Caratteristiche principali:

  1. Role Assignment: You can automatically assign a specific user role to customers once they have successfully purchased a particular product. This can be particularly useful for granting privileges or access based on purchases.
  2. Create Custom Rules: The plugin allows you to create as many role attribution rules as you need. This means you can set up various role assignments for different products or scenarios.
  3. Product-Based Assignment: You have the flexibility to decide which product(s) trigger the assignment of a particular user role. This is a valuable feature for tailoring your role assignment strategy.
  4. Role Exclusions: If there are certain user roles to which you do not want to apply the configured rule, you can easily exclude them from the process. This allows for fine-grained control over role assignment.
  5. Email Notifications: Both administrators and customers will receive email notifications when a user role is assigned based on a purchase. This ensures that all parties are informed of the role change.
  6. Order Icon: The plugin helps you identify orders that included the assignment of a specific role by displaying a custom icon. This makes it easy to spot these orders in your WooCommerce backend.
  7. Order Notes: A note is added within the order details, indicating the assigned user role. This is helpful for tracking and reference purposes.
  8. Compatibility with “Members” Plugin: You can select any user role created using the “Members” plugin, offering you additional flexibility in managing and assigning roles.

YITH Automatic Role Changer for WooCommerce is a valuable tool for WooCommerce store owners who want to automate the process of assigning user roles based on specific product purchases. Whether you’re offering special memberships, access levels, or other privileges, this plugin simplifies role management and ensures that users receive the correct roles automatically after completing their purchases.

Versione attuale 1.38.0
Ultimo aggiornamento April 16, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

 5/5
Versione attuale 1.38.0
Ultimo aggiornamento April 16, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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