Maia – Jewelry Shop WordPress Theme

Maia – jewelry shop wordpress theme

Maia – Jewelry Shop WordPress Theme

Maia is a stylish and versatile WordPress theme designed for jewelry shops, natural beauty stores, organic websites, and healthy food blogs. With a modern and minimalist design, Maia offers a range of features and tools to create a stunning eCommerce platform. Here are some key details about the theme:

Theme Information:

  • Latest Version: 1.0.15 (As of December 20, 2023)
  • WordPress Ready: Version 6.4.x
  • WooCommerce Ready: Version 8.5.x
  • Slider Revolution Ready: Version 6.6
  • Elementor Ready: Version 3.18.x
  • Compatible with PHP: Version 8.1
  • RTL Language Support: Fully Supported
  • Mobile Version Ready: Yes

Caratteristiche salienti:

  1. Multiple Home Page Designs:
    • Maia offers four beautiful home page designs to choose from, providing flexibility in creating a unique online store.
  2. Compatibility:
    • The theme is compatible with the latest versions of WordPress, WooCommerce, Slider Revolution, Elementor, and PHP. It also supports RTL (Right-to-Left) languages.
  3. One-Click Demo Installation:
    • Quickly set up your website by importing the demo content with just one click. This feature allows you to replicate the theme’s demo for a fast and efficient start.
  4. Catalog Mode:
    • Enable catalog mode to showcase your products without the eCommerce functionality. Useful for display purposes or if you’re not ready to sell online.
  5. Optimized for Mobile:
    • Maia is designed with a focus on mobile optimization, ensuring a seamless and responsive experience for users on various devices.
  6. Mega Main Menu and Vertical Menu:
    • Enhance navigation with a mega main menu and a vertical menu, providing a user-friendly interface for shoppers.
  7. Product and Shop Layouts:
    • Choose from various shop and product layouts to showcase your jewelry and products attractively. Options include grid view, list view, and more.
  8. Quick View and AJAX Search:
    • Implement product quick view for a closer look, and enable AJAX search for a convenient and efficient product search experience.
  9. Wishlist and Comparison Support:
    • Maia supports YITH WooCommerce Wishlist and YITH Woocommerce Compare plugins, allowing users to create wishlists and compare products.
  10. Social Login and Register:
    • Integrates Nextend Social Login and Register for a seamless social authentication process.
  11. Multi-Currency Support:
    • WOOCS – WooCommerce Currency Switcher is supported, enabling users to switch between different currencies.
  12. Brands Add-On:
    • YITH WooCommerce Brands Add-on is supported, allowing you to showcase product brands effectively.
  13. Instagram Element:
    • Display your Instagram feed directly on your website with Instagram Element support.
  14. Theme Customization:
    • Customize the theme easily with flexible theme options, including custom CSS and JS settings.
  15. High Speed and Performance:
    • Maia prioritizes speed and performance, offering a fast and optimized online shopping experience.
  16. SEO Optimized:
    • The theme is optimized for search engines, helping your online store rank well in search results.
  17. RTL Language Support:
    • Maia fully supports Right-to-Left languages for a localized experience.
  18. Cross-Browser Compatible:
    • Ensures compatibility with various web browsers for consistent performance.
  19. Free Lifetime Updates:
    • Enjoy free lifetime updates to keep your website up-to-date with the latest features and improvements.

Maia is designed to provide an elegant and functional platform for jewelry and beauty-related businesses. With its rich feature set, customization options, and compatibility with popular plugins, it offers a comprehensive solution for creating a successful online store.

Versione attuale 1.1.6
Ultimo aggiornamento September 13, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

Versione attuale 1.1.6
Ultimo aggiornamento September 13, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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