YITH WooCommerce Badge Management Premium

Yith woocommerce badge management premium

YITH WooCommerce Badge Management Premium

YITH WooCommerce Badge Management Premium

The YITH WooCommerce Badge Management plugin is a tool designed to enhance your e-commerce website by allowing you to add badges or labels to your products. These badges can serve various purposes, including highlighting key products, emphasizing product details, and tapping into psychological triggers to boost sales. Here are some of the features of this plugin:

Free Version Features:

  1. Unlimited Badges: You can create an unlimited number of badges using the advanced badge builder.
  2. Textual and Image Badges: You can create both textual badges with or without backgrounds and image badges, choosing from nine different images.
  3. Badge Customization: You can set various parameters for your badges, including size, padding for textual badges, border radius, position (top, bottom, center), and alignment (left, right, center).
  4. Override Default “On Sale” Badge: The plugin allows you to hide or replace the default WooCommerce “on sale” badge with your custom badges.
  5. Badge Assignment: You can assign badges to specific products based on your preferences.

Premium Version Features: In addition to the free version features, the premium version offers the following advanced features:

  1. Advanced Badge Customization: You can flip/mirror badge text horizontally, vertically, or both. There are additional advanced badge images available.
  2. Custom Image Badges: You can upload custom images to use as badges.
  3. CSS Badges: Create advanced CSS badges with customizable colors, text, and responsive designs.
  4. On-Sale Badges: For on-sale products, you can automatically show the percentage discount and savings on the badge.
  5. Badge Opacity, 3D Rotation, Margin: Set badge opacity, 3D rotation, and margin to achieve the desired visual effect.
  6. Auto Badge Assignment: Automatically assign badges to products based on specific criteria, such as on-sale, featured, low-stock, in-stock, back-order, product categories, and product tags.
  7. Shipping Class Badges: Assign badges to products with specific shipping classes.
  8. Badge Management: You can hide badges on single product pages and in the sidebar, and control the display of badges on mobile devices.
  9. Scheduling Badges: Schedule badges to appear or disappear at specific times, such as for Black Friday sales.
  10. Shop Manager Permissions: Allow shop managers to edit badge settings.
  11. Quick Edit: Edit badges quickly through the Quick Edit feature.
  12. WPML Compatibility: The plugin is 100% compatible with WPML, allowing you to set up badges for each language.
  13. Integration with YITH Dynamic Pricing & Discounts: Automatically display badges for each discount and promotion rule.

The YITH WooCommerce Badge Management plugin offers a wide range of features to enhance your e-commerce store’s product presentation and marketing strategies. By using badges effectively, you can draw more attention to your products, create a sense of urgency, and improve the overall shopping experience for your customers.

Aktuelle Version 3.4.0
Zuletzt aktualisiert March 20, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

 5/5
Aktuelle Version 3.4.0
Zuletzt aktualisiert March 20, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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